Vacation in Obudu... Episode 39 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Vacation in Obudu... Episode 39

Rose was putting on a white vest with no bra on. Her boöbs were struggling
with the straps of the vest not to spill out as
her cleavage left nothing to my
imagination. Firmly pressed against the
fabric of the vest, her nipplës were very
visible, dark and round, like the size of
my thumb. And Because of the light
nature of her skin, her areola that were
far darker than her nips were clearly
visible too through the white vest.
Although from the first day I saw her at
the café with Ella, I had known she was
also busty but had always been careful
not to be caught groping at her tits. But
now standing at the door looking down
her, I couldn’t help but let my gaze get
fixated on her boöbs. Seeing her like this
i was able to conclude that if Ella had
awesome Boöobs, Rose had magnificent
Dropping my gaze a little downward, I
noticed she was putting on a blue skirt
that was so devilishly mini in nature that
it could actually make a monk reconsider
his celibacy.
As she held the door open for me, I
stared salaciously at her body, fighting
hard not to just push her in, close the
door behind us and begin to devour her
“Done lusting” she asked snapping me
out of my lewd reverie as she opened her
arms to give me a hug
“Rozay you are burning” I said collapsing
into her “D**k erecting” hug. Feeling her
boöbs pressed firmly against me as I
drank in her fragrance, I whispered
“despite the cold weather, you are
heating me up”
“I’ll take that as a compliment” she
responded breaking the hug but not
before looking down to steal a quick
glance at fury who was beginning to
make an impression on my chinos
trouser. Holding my hand, she led me
into the room saying “come inside Fury”
“So how’s your day going so far” she
asked when we finally stepped inside.
Then making sure I felt her boöbs brush
against my hand, she turned and gave
me a quick but simple kiss on the lips
while simultaneously reaching behind me
to take my shuttle bag off my back.
“Great so far” I responded looking into
her spell casting fiery coloured eyes as
she took of the bag off. Then walking
over to her laptop, I changed the music
track that was currently playing through
the auxiliary medium of her home theatre
system. She in turn placed the bag by the
foot of her mattress.
“So how about yours? How’s your day
going?” I asked turning to face her barely
keeping my eyes off her jugs as I also
imagined the colour and type of panties
under her skirt. At that stage it was
pointless trying to control fury whose
erectiön was clearly but embarrassingly
The smile on her face betrayed any act of
pretense about not knowing the effects
she had on me. “Fine dear, had Frank’s
mom by 7am to 9am. Then another
lecture by 10, but the man just gave is
an assignment and left. Hurried to the
market to pick some stuffs” she
responded before saying,”thanks for
Then heading into the kitchen she said “I
prepared something special for you”
“Really? Can’t wait to have a taste. What
did you prepare?” I asked her
“Decided I was gonna cooked real food
because I don’t want you to start
thinking I’m one of those girls who only
know how to prepare noddles”
“Babe with what I saw I your kitchen, no
one would have such impression about
you” I replied back to her to which she
simply said “o, I hear you. Chief chef”
I thought about asking her about Ella but
decided against it because I didn’t want
anything that might spoil her mood and
deny me what she obviously wanted me
to have…. Her body. Then just then she
asked “so what’s up with you and Ella?”
“how do you mean?” I responded
wondering if she read my thoughts or
“When was the last time you guys saw
each other?” she rephrased the question
“That should be that Thursday.. Why are
you asking?” I answered her before
placing a question of my own
“Just wanted to know” she answered in a
way that suggested she didn’t know how
beat to answer me
“So what’s up with you guys?” I finally
took the opportunity to ask the previous
question in my mind
“What’s up how? If you are asking if
we’re cool, I can only answer for myself.
Sh*t happens.. Saw her in the morning
lecture and she,was making faces for me”
she said walking in with a tray of rice
whose aroma was obviously coconut like.
Placing the tray down at my feet, I
looked to see two fried turkey wings and
two spoons. Walking over to the fridge,
she brought out two sachet of water, a
bottle of Hollander yogurt and two glass
“so when are you seeing her again?” she
asked sitting down opposite me but
stretching and closing her legs to the
side denying me a shot at her panties.
“Today” I said telling her the truth
because I wasn’t sure if she knew already
that I was supposed to see Ella that
same day.
“What time?” she asked picking up a
“Definitely not when I’m about to enjoy
your meal and company” I replied her in
a reassuring way tone that suggested I
wasn’t leaving her anytime soon. Taking
of my shirt, I picked up a spoon and
began to eat with her.
We ate talking about this and that
including how she went to the market to
buy certain things, the stress she went
through grating the coconut just to cook
for me, etc.. In all we laughed as we
enjoyed the meal together like a young
When we were done, she cleared the
place and returned to the bed. I sat with
my back to the wall and my legs
stretched out in front as I waited for
what I had just eaten to go down well.
But she, lying on her back had her head
resting just slightly above my knees. She
kept turning and adjusting in bed and on
my lap, shifting the position if her head
up my thigh until it was finally resting
just on my D**k which had already tented
again due to the boöbs that were just
right in front of me and the hot thighs I
was seeing a little downward.
Making sure her head was actually
rubbing on fury, she stayed like that for
another 5 minutes that seem like 5hours
as I also moved my hand and placed it
on her boöbs and began to make little
circular motions. Boy, fury was by now
shouting “free me, free me”. Then all of a
sudden she just said “I want to see your

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