Sunday Morning Laff | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Sunday Morning Laff

Only a courageous woman can fry a
bunch of plantain without tasting any -
Albert Macauley (1872)

He who says nothing lasts forever has
never tried Hausa perfume - Nelson
Mandela (1973)

He who completely unwraps moimoi
and gala before eating cannot keep a
secret - Abraham Lincoln (1864)

Any man that uses his teeth to cut
shaki from pepper soup, with his eyes
wide open, is not afraid of anything -
Williams Shakespeare (1900)

Anyone who graduates without
experiencing a strike, has never been
to Nigeria - Lord Lugard (1904)

He who refuses to regard agege bread
and akara as a type of sandwich is a
racist - Martin Luther King jnr (1788)

Any man who drinks Alomo bitters
without squeezing his face, is capable
of murder - Michael Faraday (1899)

Drinking Garri doesn't mean u're poor,
but allowing the Garri to swell b4
drinking is poverty - Queen Elizabeth

He who runs around looking 4
scissors to cut indomine seasoning
sachet is not hungry - Dr Nnamdi
Azikiwe (1947)

No matter how hot your temper is, it
cannot cook yam - Goodluck Jonathan

Anyone who reads this without
laughing is either looking 4 job or
needs Jesus Badly - Barack Obama

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