It was unusual for Janet to miss her dinner,Mrs Odenuga,Janes mother thought.Jane had personally wrote the food table,and saturday night usually promised yam or potatoe porridge with
vegetable,which happens to be one of her favorite,she had gone to her room to check and saw that she was neatly tucked in bed.

Sunday service to Mrs Odenuga was not something you should miss,she would scold her daughters insisting they all go to church,Janet doesn't argue much but Hannah her young daughter will give you 1001 reasons not to go to church,Biola was Mrs Odenuga's maiden name,only Hannah and her late husband addressed her as Bibi,Janet preferred calling her Mummy.

Biola had just dressed up for service she wore a blue dry lace,iro and buba with matching headgear,shoe and purse,she knocked on Janet's door,but there was no response,she pushed the door gently and it opened,there lay Jane sleeping soundly on her bed,Janet loved pink and so adorned her room with everything pink,her bedspread,the walls,the curtain,almost everything,the room looked feminine,Biola felt her head with the back of her palm,but her temperature was okay,she left a note for her and went to church asking Rose to keep an eye on her.

It was Mid-day when Jane woke up,the sun shone brightly from the partition on her curtain,she rolled on her side,she finally sat up,she picked up her Bible and prayed,that was something she hadn't done in weeks,she was relaxed now,if God truly answers prayers,it seems hers was answered already,she could feel it deep down in her.

Jane took her bath,She saw the note her mother left her,it was past 12 already,she couldn't make it to church again,she asked Rose to make her a glass of warm milk.

She remembered switching off her phone last night,she picked it from her dressing table and put it on,she carefully pushed all thought of Jacob to the back of her mind,she didn't want to wallow in sobs this morning.
She wanted to call Hannah last night,she had forgotten,she was about placing her phone down when a call came through,without bothering to check the Id,she knew it was Jacob by the special ring tone,she selected for him.
She let it ring twice before picking it.
'Hello Jane' came Jacob's voice through the phone.
'Hi' She replied,sitting by the bed.
'Am in front of your gate,are you home? can i come in?' he asked
'Hey you ,am home,but you can't come in,you liar,i caught you yesterday' she wanted to scream into the phone,but she calm down and said.
'Am home,you can come in'.
She dropped her phone on the bed,she rushed to her dressing table,she powdered her face,put a brush in her hair,she was about to dab her pink lipstick on,when she thought,why am i even making up my face for him? Am i trying to look beautiful for him? Am i trying to compete with the other lady? Oh! No,she dropped the lipstick.

She got the door in time before he knocked,she opened it wider for him to come in,rather than come in,he stood there staring at her.What? don't i look good? She thought.
Jacob stood,he couldn't help but stare,Jane looked very beautiful,her face,her lips-he didn't want to think about them,her tall figure,something jacked inside of him,butterflies? Her bosom,hmmm,narrow waist,her hips in those loose jean,he was still staring when Jane coughed,waving her hands in his face.
'Are you okay?' she didn't like the alarm note in her voice.
'Sorry,am fine' he walked in.
'Please sit down' she said when she noticed he was still standing.
'How are you dear' he said sitting by her.
'I am fine' she answered curtly.
'What happened to you? Why didn't you pick your call' Jacob asked concerned.
'Nothing,i was busy'
'Yes,very busy'
'Doing what?'
'Thats my personal business' she replied
'You sound angry Jane' he moved closer to her.
She wanted to lie,but she couldn't contain it anymore, 'Jacob you're cheating on me' She almost screamed.
Jacob was taken aback,that was the last thing he was expecting.he adjusted his frame on the couch.
'That can't be true' he said trying to hold her hands.
'But i saw you at Foodco! You lied to me about a meeting,i saw the lady' she wanted to cry,this emotions of her was irritating.
Jacob started sweating,his brows rose,he had to say something,he wanted to lie but decided against it.
'Yes,you're right,i was there with a friend,the meeting i had was cancelled' he said trying to hold her gaze.
'How am i supposed to believe that? How?' she started crying.
'please don't cry' he held her hands and wiped the tears streaming down on her face.'Just believe me,please'
'Its okay,i trust you,i was just worried that you had probably settled for a rich lady,like your mother proposed'she sobbed.
'No dear,i wouldn't do that,i truly love you' he spoke quietly.
'I love you too dear' she said holding him tight.
'Am sorry for not trusting you at first'
'Its nothing dear,stop crying'
'Its nothing dear,stop crying' Jacob embraced her,placing her head on his shoulders,he loved the feeling going through his body.

He kissed her,her lips were soft and irresistibly sweet,he brushed his mouth against them once,twice,then pressed against them more insistently,he had been wondering how to get her into bed.Janet didn't appear to know how to respond to the unexpected kiss,her lips were unmoving,her eyes wide,Jacob moved his tongue inside the corner of her mouth and she made a strangled little sound that had come from somewhere deep within her,then she leaned closely against him.Goog God,Jane had no idea how incredibly he wanted her,he slid his hands to rest at the back of her neck,he deepened the kiss,he was beginning to explore her soft bosom when the brass knocker sounded...Gbammmmmm

They broke the kiss,Rose came in carrying a basket of whatever,the room was awkwardly silent.Janet was yet to recover from the kiss.
Jacob spoke first, 'Hello Rose' that didn't sound like it came from his mouth.
'Good afternoon Uncle Jacob' she curtsied and continued,'Aunty Janet,i didn't know you're here o,did you see the milk?
'Yes,i did thank you'. She had regained her voiced.
'I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything ma.'
'Its okay' Janet said.

She hoped Rose didn't catch the edge in her voice,she adjusted her blouse,thank God Rose came in when she did,maybe Jacob would have done something else,like take her in here,so much for keeping herself.
She knew Jacob was a man of intergrity,he would never take her in her home on the couch for that matter,what if he did? God forbid that,she thought.Jacob's phone rang,he excused himself and took the call.
'Janet,i hope you're fine now' he said for lack of what to say.
'Am okay,thanks'
'And i want you to put your trust in me,i'ld never let you down,no matter what,my dear' he said.
'I know,i'ld never doubt you again'
'I love you darling'
'I love you too'
'I have to go now,Jaiye and the other guys are waiting for me' he stood up.
'My regards to them'
'Tell mummy i'll call her soon'
'Its alright then'
she saw him off to the gate,she watched him enter his car and drove off.
She returned to her room,she picked her phone and called Hannah,she was on the phone for thirty minutes,Hannah was a talkative unlike her,She had promised to talk to her again before the end of the day,that was how she was able to end the call.she began to arrange her wardrobe,brought out her box,she hadn't packed anything and camp was a few days away,she brought out a pen and Jotter to make a list of things she needed.she was so engrossed in what she was writing,the sound of the door bell jolted her.she knew Rose would get the door.
'Aunty Janet,someone is here to see you o' Rose shouted from the sitting room.That girl is too local,Janet thought,she had expected her mother to be back from church now,it was some minutes to two.
'Who is the person' she answered back walking to the sitting room.
'I don't know o' Rose said and left.
Janet moved closer to the door,there was a fat man standing by the door.
Braids!,thats one hair,she couldn't do without,she packed it to the back using a fancy rubber,the sun was getting too much today,having sat for close to 6 hours,she had left the lecture hall tired and famished,she waved at people who bothered to say hi to her,no time for idle chats today,she had an important date by 5 in the evening.She walked to her hostel,which was just about 15 minutes walk from her department.

Hannah Odenuga Olabimpe was a charmer,she was the kind of lady men noticed because of her fair skin,she had bright eyes,other ladies aspired to emulate her.

It was impossible to remain detached and impersonal once you saw her,and had been graced by her eloquent prescence.

She looked far matured for her age,her beauty could light up a room,so fair and beautiful,guys hussled to have her attention,at 20 she was beginning to look like a beauty queen,Basketmouth would not mind having her as a personal assistant,because of her jovial nature.Her friends often call her 'Mammy' which was short form for Mammywater behind her.

She entered her room quietly,not wanting any uninvited guest to bother her,it was just some minutes past three,she shared the room with three other ladies,Rukayat,Cynthia and the book worm amidst them Shade.

Her roomies had all gone to thier various department,Hannah was a Pol science student 200L,she rummaged the room for food,she made boiled noodles with egg,and ate,she took her bath,and took her time dressing up.

Hannah had always had a crush on Rotimi Williams right from her first year,he was a year ahead her but in the same dept.He was tall and handsome,he was btw 22-24 years,he was the social director for their department.He was always seen with different beautiful ladies everything.

She had been very happy,when he asked her out 5wks ago,she laughed and dance that day,her room mates even laughed at her,they probably envy her,she thought.She had a loud mouth and was not afraid to speak her mind,but asking a guy out was the last thing,she'll ever do in her life.

Luckily for her,Rotimi Williams asked her out,she had been forming for him for close to 4weeks,ladies things you know,she had finally agreed to see him this afternoon at NEoN park,she relaxed on the bed and set her alarm for 4:45,to enable her do some last minute make up.

To be continued at 10pm

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