It was quarter to nine,when she arrived home,in an oversized shirt and pant.she hurried into the house locking the door behind her.

Thanks heaven,the others were asleep,she slipped into her bedroom sobbing as fresh bouts of tears spilled down her face.Removing the shirt in a hurry,she hurried into the bathroom.

She thanked God for the timely arrival of his fiance,the lady had returned with a broom,waving it in the air,she began to beat up her boyfriend.In the midst of the commotion she had disappeared with his shirt.

This was a bitter tale,better kept to oneself,why was she always a victim of circumstances.What would have happened,if he had succeeded in having his way with her.

Soaking herself in a warm bath,she towelled her body dry before getting into bed,preparing a lie to be recounted to Hannah in the morning.

She couldn't wait to return to school by Sunday.

Sleep soon snatched away her eyes,it was a bad night,with nightmares of Mitchell Molesting her.
The ladies burst into laughter,they had just spoken to their newly wedded mother over the phone,all the way from Abuja where they were having their honey moon at the Federal Gates Resort.

''You two should start packing your baggages,and get ready to return to school.''Jane spoke mimicking her mother.

The girls held their aching sides as they laughed,Adetoun's laughter was more of a pretence because she was still hurting from the blows Mitchell dealt her,it hadn't been quite easy this morning when she recounted her well packaged tale to Hannah about how much fun she had last evening.Hannah had even wished she was in her shoes.

''We'll be leaving in the morning.''Hannah said,painting her fingers.

''Says who?''

''You can indulge us for today small mummy.''Adetoun teased her.

''Alright,tomorrow morning,but...''Jane paused to catch the girls eyes making sure her words were having effect.''It will be first thing in the morning.'' she finished.

''Yes mother.''The girls chorused.

Adetoun picked up her ringing phone,it was Kelvin.she was rude to him over the phone and ended the call abruptly.
''Why did you speak to him like that?''

''He's my friend,and the last time i checked.''she said rolling her eyes.''It was my call too.''

''Its alright.''Hannah shut her mouth.she laced the red painting with a white coat,she was being careful not to roughen it.''Bigger sis,the main reason we're waiting is because,we want to know the outcome of tonight's date with Jacob.''

Jane picked the throw pillow by her,flinging one on Hannah and the other on Adetoun.''I knew you two were up to some evil.''she laughed.

''Oh''Hannah screamed.''Don't mess my fingers.'' Adetoun had merely laughed.

''I'm still contemplating on that,he sent Bash to bring me the keys to house in Lekki.''Jane paused''He said he was meeting Jaiye and his friends at the club,asking me to dust the dirty house and make dinner,all on a date.''

''Nice one,what a romantic date.''Hannah smiled blowing breeze on her finger with her mouth.

''Thats a totally bad idea.''Adetoun countered.

Jane looked confused now.

''Why do you think,its a bad idea.''

''Well,he..Jacob...might'' she stammered for lack of something coherent to say.

''You remember telling us,he was going to open you a world class supermart,and suddenly he promised to get you a job,and of his sudden strange acts.''

''No point.''Hannah glared.''You guys are forgetting that,Jacob is her fiance,no harm,nothing bad about doing what he asked for.''

''Its alright,i know what to do.''Jane said getting up.

''Whats that?''
Jane stood up and made to walk away,at the bend that led to the corridor,she turned to face the girls.
''Come help me dress,i'm going to see my man.''she smiled.

The girls got up and followed her.

Jane was no different from a waitress,as bouts of sweat trickled down the soft collar of her purple blouse,it was a material blouse with silver beads lined at the neck of the blouse,she was wearing a tiny silver necklace that stuck to her throat like it belonged there.

Examining herself in the mirror,she didn't like what she saw.She was tired,even the Ac wasn't having effect,after two long hours of stagnant traffic on the third mainland bridge.

Stealing a glance at the set of key sitting right in her bag,she wondered if there was edibles in the house,or how was she supposed to make dinner,and first she still had to clean the dusty house.She should have stopped by the market to pick some things.

She was almost at the house now,just the last bend that led into the avenue that housed his structure.she located the house in less than ten minutes,she'd been there more than twice.

She horned,but there was no one to open the gate,it was getting dark already,some minutes past seven.she got down and opened the giant black gate before getting in the car to drive in.

She wished,she had listened to Adetoun's voice of reason some hours ago,she would not be in this mess now.she closed the gate,picking her bag before going into the house.

Jacob was supposed to have arrived,this was a date.And if he took her serious,he had no business staying out and expecting her to clean the house and make dinner all alone.

Searching for the key,she opened the door,she had made up her mind to dust the sitting room alone and wait for his arrival.She was damn tired to try cooking a thing.

The door opened with a loud thud,everywhere in the house was pitch dark.Feeling the wall for the switch button,she swore under her breath.

''This is going to be one hell of a romantic date.'' she whispered silently.
Feeling for the switch with her hands,she moved along the wall,stumbling on a stool,she cursed under her breath,holding her leg in the dark.she dropped her bag and brought out her phone.

She sat still,listening for sound,she heard right,there was music playing from somewhere in the house,using her phone as light,she moved towards the direction of the soft tune.

In the dark,she heard a sharp intake of breath,she screamed out aloud as firm,strong hands gripped her from behind.

Jacob's laughter rang out in the dark,sending Jane out of her fear.
''You scared me!'' she said out of breath,trying to steady herself.
''I'm glad you came.''he whispered leading her towards the stairs.
Jane was silent,she was just recovering from his earlier escapade.
He led her to the living room up the stairs,there were lit candles on the table,the room was dark and the candles gave it a orange glow bringing warmth into her spirit.

She was mesmerized by the dinner that was set before her.Jacob was glad it was having the exact effect he wanted.

Leading to her the couch,he sat her down and followed suit.There was a loud rumbling in her stomach,she didn't realise she was hungry until now.
Relaxed than ever,she smiled,
''I'm so loving this.'' Jane whispered sweetly handling the silver bead on her blouse.

''I'm loving you everyday.''Jacob whispered back,both remained calm enjoying the serenity.

''I planned this,because i have a surprise for my Queen.''Jacob said holding her hands,his expression warm.

''A Surprise?' her eyes brightened with joy and anxiousness.

''Yes.'' Jacob paused,''First,you have to shower,i prepared a warm bath for you.''He smiled into her clear eyes,he could feel the excitement therein and a mixture of doubt.

''I don't have an extra cloth here.''Jane said.

''I have.'' Jacob stood,leading her to the bathroom.He opened the silver tinted glass harbouring the Jacuzzi.Jane stepped in,while Jacob closed the door behind her.
''I'll be waiting,everything you need is in there....or do you want me to join you?''he drawled slightly,his voice hoarse in the dark.

''Thanks,but i'll be fine.''Jane answered.He could hear her pulling off her clothes,Jacob tried to stop his brain from forming those crazy pictures of an unclad wet woman.The loud thud of water signified her stepping into the bath,he forced his legs to leave before he acted rashly.

It was not an easy task,with his imaginations at work,he was working so much to contain himself.Waiting for her seemed like eternity.

Finally,Jane emerged in the dress he had laid for her,an angel was an understatement.The white lace gown was transparent and soft,she looked innocent just as he had imagined.

She took light steps towards him,Jacob wondered if that was a voluntary action.Ushering her to the table,he placed a kiss on her lips,pulling her close,as it became deep,Jane's hand circled his waist.It took all his self control to break the kiss.

Jane and Jacob feasted on dinner,before returning to the couch,he handed her a glass of iced champagne.
''And what are we celebrating?''she asked lightly smugling closer.

''Everything.''he whispered in the dark,it seemed tonight was a night of whispers.Jane thought,watching a grin spread on his face.

''You seem to be talking in parables.''Jane smiled sipping from her glass.

''Because,our love is a parable,you can't fully comprehend it.''Jacob laughed dropping his glass.''And what makes it interesting.''

He stood up and left,he returned with a catalogue,handing it over to her,he switched on the light.Jane picked it,exploring from page to page,it was a supermart,with details of each section in picture and description.
''What a lovely place.''she said dropping the catalogue on the nearest table.

''I promised you a job by monday,i meant it.''

He removed a bunch of keys from his pocket,
''This is the key.''he said stretching it to her.''That superstore in the catalogue is yours,you are the owner of JaNeS SupErStOreS.'' he finished.

Jane screamed in delight,this was unbelievable,she must have been dreaming,six afternoons ago when he said he would get her a new job flashed in her mind,she should have known,he had something in store for her,how she came to be in his embrace defiled explanation.The two clung to each other,a stubborn tear escaped her eye,and Jacob kissed it away.

Jane took the keys from him,and embraced him in gratitude,she lacked word with which to appreciate his kindheartedness.
''I don't know what or how to thank you.''Jane cried.

''Just stay with me forever,thats the best gratitude i can ever receive.''Jacob sang into her ears.

''Indeed,this calls for celebration.''Jane said filling her glass.

''Yes.''Jacob drawled,his voice sexier then ever.''More more and more celebration.........''Jacob laughed as he poured Jane another glass,collecting the key from her and leading her towards the bedroom.
Adetoun closed the sitting room door,checking the clock for the uptenth time.She wondered what was keeping Jane late.

The happenings of last evening flashed in her mind,and subsequently her molest event,she could not fight back the tears as they rushed out,spilling on her face.

''Toun,are you alright?'' a sleepy Hannah asked,as she saw water rolling down Toun's cheeks.she stood up and moved towards her.

''Why are you crying?''she asked again.
Adetoun was silent,while Hannah cleaned the tears off her face.
''If this is about Jane,i assure you,she'll be fine.''Hannah said holding her close.

''I trust Jacob,he'll take care of her,i just don't know why they're not taking their calls.''Hannah voiced her concern.

''Are you sure she'll be fine?''Toun spoke in tears filled voice.

''Yes,stop crying alright?'Hannah spoke,her eyes on the wall clock that was just a quarter to eleven.

Toun nodded.

''Or is there something i should know?''She asked cautiously.

''Oh,no...nothing i'm fine,I'm perfectly okay.''Toun forced a false smiled.

''Enough of this night watch,lets catch some sleep.''Hannah said.

''Yes,lets go in.''

Hannah put off the Tv and the fan before going in,she dialled Jane's number again,it rang but there was no response.
Jacob was so happy,having accomplished his desire with Jane,who lay dozing off.She was a good girl tonight.
He was glad,things had gone as planned.

He made a final tour around the house,clearing the sitting room and locking the doors before retiring to bed.

It took long before he could catch some sleep.Jane filled his mind,he had kept her with him since it was late to let her drive herself home or even drive her she was sleeping in the house.

He must have slept for an hour or two,when he suddenly woke up,it was unlike him,though he was a light sleeper.He knew when someone was lurking around.

His instincts told him to get up,which he obeyed.He checked around the house but there was no one.He returned to bed,listening for any sort of sound.

Not long,he heard the soft walk of someone,his fears were confirmed,there was someone else in the house,the alarm system was on,so that would alert him incase of an intruder.

There was a knock on the door,he panicked at first,as beads of sweat formed around his forehead.The knock was repeated this time slow and soft.

Jacob got up and moved towards the door,he was a man whatever was after him.He would face it and fight it.Unlocking his bedroom door,he proceeded to the sitting room.
Jacob stood behind the door,waiting for another soft knock,he didn't have to wait for long.
Stepping back a foot,he opened the door,the intruder stepped in,in just a swift movement,hitting Jacob with his right foot sending him to the floor like a pack of flour.

The intruder was a man! He knew he was trying to get accustomed to the darkness,Jacob pretended to roll in pain moving towards the man,with his foot he kicked him hard on the leg,the intruder seemed to have been expecting that as he jumped up,the kick hitting him lightly,he dealt Jacob a series of blow before walking to the switch,the light illuminated the intruder's masked face,he looked definitely strong in those boot,he wasn't a thief as he had come to understand.

In two long strides,he pulled Jacob up,he was a hairy man.The men stood height to height,not an inch difference.What a match.

''Where is your guest?''

Jacob knew,he had heard wrong or so he thought,this masked was here for a purpose.Before he could think further,a heavy slap went across his with the sound of thunder,Jacob tasted blood in his mouth.His patience was wearing thin.

''Answer me,before i splatter your brain.'' the man spoke in a thin voice.

''I don't have a guest in the house.''his voice was thick with anger,as he felt more blood trickling down the side of his mouth.

''You think i'm here for jokes.''he said,pushing up his coat to reveal a gun.

Jacob was not one for melt at the sight of a gun,he had a revolver and a .38 pistol licensed for self protection,before answering the door,he had carefully loaded his pistol tucking it in his cloth.

''Where is she? The lady who slept here with you.''

''She .....left.''

The man grinned like an ,''Jane is 24,brown skin,beautiful''he smiled.

Jacob wanted to break his neck for using the word sexy.He felt for his pistol,it was intact.

''She arrived here in a black BMW at quarter to seven,she drove into your gate and since then she hasn't left,where is she?''

Jacob wiped his forehead as beads of salt water broke out on his face.

''She left.''

''Gboa'' another heavy slap,and a kick on his groin sending him on the tiled floor.

Jacob groaned in pain,whatever did he want with Jane? His poor mind wondered.The man walked straight into the bedroom,pushing the door open with his foot.

Alas,it was an empty bedroom void of any lady's wear or bag,he was flabbergasted,he watched her come into the building,how was she able to leave then?
He came out,and began to open the other doors,Jacob's heart did a quick gymnastics,Jane was in the guest room.The man opened three bedrooms,but they were all empty,as he neared the room where Jane slept,Jacob became paralysed,his singlet was dripping water,his mouth was bleeding,his groin was in pain and his head was throbbing hard.

The man was right in front of the door when,Jacob yelled as if in pain,the man rushed to him,giving him another hard kick for distracting his attention,he returned to his task,but instead of opening the door where Jane was,he moved to the next.

Jacob almost screamed,he looked to heaven in gratitude.God was surely on his side.After his unwanted visitor had succeeded in opening as many rooms and toilet he could.

He returned to the sitting room,in anger,sending Jacob a sacred look.
''Your lover girl has escaped today,she will not escape another.'' he grinned.

Jacob was glad,this bad dream would be over soon,the man walked to the door.
''I'll be back.''

Jacob wanted to break his head,but maintained his cool.
''To hell.'' he muttered,but his unwanted guest heard him,he rushed back towards Jacob,who had anticipated his move,as he flung his leg up,Jacob rolled away,standing to his feet,he hit the man on his head with his left leg,matching his face,two straight punches to his nose.

The man made to stand up,pushing Jacob away,but Jacob was faster he kicked his sides furiously,the man toppled to the ground again.his nose and mouth were bleeding.

Jacob removed his gone from hm,throwing punches on the man's belly.The man was stronger than he thought,he got up,but rather than fight back,he ran for the opened door,Jacob pursued him,the man was a rubber,he glided over the barb wired tall fence falling to the other side with a loud thud.

Jacob waited for some minutes before returning inside,he removed the gun from his sides and returned it to the safe.
''I'll surely get to the root of this.''he said aloud.

He made his way back to the sitting room to clean the mess they had made,there was no traces of blood there,but the table and the couch needed to be arranged.

He pushed the couch to its normal position,when he heard the crack of an opening door,Jane walked into the sitting room tired.
''What happened here?'' she asked wide eyed.

''A rat.'' Jacob racked his brain for a suitable explanation.


''Yes''Jacob stood up,looking confused and tired.''
''I was pursuing a rat in here.''Jacob forced a smile.''I think you should go back to sleep,its quite early.''

Jane straightened her ruffled hair,
''Wait did i sleep here?''

Jacob wished she would go back to bed,so that by morning he would have a better explanation for her.
''Yes you did.''he said.

''Last night,while we were celebrating your store...''

''what store?'' Jane asked trying to remember the events of the other night.
''Oh,Janes Superstores,i almost forgot.''she smiled,looking innocent with a sleep face,just natural no makeup.She rushed to give him a kiss but stopped abruptly sighting his bleeding lips.
''Did the rat bite you.''

''The rat bite you?so where's the rat?''

''Sorry,i meant to say no.''he shook his head.''I hit my lips on the wall while running after it,but the rat escaped.''

''Oh,sorry sweetheart.''she said,''Let me help you treat it.''

''Don't bother,i'll just take care of it,its nothing.''Jacob said,finding everyway to escape,her innocent eye seem to be penetrating deep into his very soul.

''Alright,let me make you coffee.''

At last,Jacob escape into the store room that housed his first aid materials.He settled into the first chair in sight,he cleaned his lips before applying spirit,the blood had stopped and felt a bit better.

''That must taste good.''he smiled walking into the sitting room in a clean shorts and polo after a quick bath.He placed his ipad on the table,it was just a quarter to five.

''Have it.''Jane poured him a glass of cofee with milk and sugar.

Jacob accepted the glass,putting it to his mouth,he took a long drink,dropping the glass with just little in it.He felt better now.
''How did you know,how i like my coffee?'' he asked with a smile on his lips.

Jane smiled.''You once told me that ugly men liked black coffee.''


''Well,you're an handsome stubborn man.''Jane smiled.

''Come.''Jacob said.''Kiss me.''

Jane planted a kiss on his lips,''What happened last night?''

''You had a little too much to drink,you were a bit tipsy,so i took you to the guest room,and locked the door,i didn't want to get tempted and i didn't want to have to choose between my integrity and loosing you.''Jacob explained with a sexy grin to the sides of his mouth.''Did you sleep well?''

''Yes i dreamt about you.'' Just then Jacob received a mail on his ipad.It was a return email to the message he'd sent his secretary some minutes ago,informing her that,he'd be late for work and that the departmental meeting can go on.

Jane poured him another glass,which he sipped slowly,he seemed to be in deep thought.
''Sweetheart,i want to get formally introduced to your family.''he said holding her free hand.

''Really?''Jane exclaimed,her eyes drooling in excitement.

''Yes.''He smiled squeezing her hands.''Time waits for no one''

''I can't wait to bbe addressed as Mrs J. Smith,but...''

''But what?''

We'll have to wait until mother returns from her honeymoon.''she explained to him.

''Thats fine with me.''he stood up to switch on the Tv.''This morning we'll get to your store,so that you can inspect things for yourself.''

Jane returned with her phone,''Look,i've got 15missed calls,my sisters must be dead worried about me.''

''I'll call them now to put their mind at rest,after then we can go over to give your store,a final check over,before its grand opening.''

''Yes boss.''Jane gave a mock salute as she headed to the bath.She had noticed a carefully hidden distressed look on his face.
He seemed happy,but he looked like,he's got something to hid.If he was willing to share,he'll tell her soon.She trusted him.

Jacob yawned lazily,his mind on the nights episode.He needed to confide in someone.Who could have sent someone to his dear Jane.

'I'll get to the bottom of this.''he swore,heading to his room to dress up.A had a troubling mind,a mildly settled head to attend to.

But first thing first.
'I don't know what i'll do,if you don't stop crying Toun.'' Hannah said,taking her seat on the creamy white sofa opposite Toun's.

It was 4pm,Jacob had called in the morning to assure them that Jane was safe.He'd promised to credit her account first thing Tuesday morning,he'd also wanted to speak with Adetoun who refused,so she had to lie that Toun was asleep.

Ever since then,Toun had been in tears,Hannah had tried all she could to make her confide in her,but it was a fruitless effort.

Her meals had gone cold,she wondered what it was again.She had feared something went wrong with Mitchell,since the guy hadn't called ever since Toun returned from his party whatever.But Toun's story convinced her,she folded her arms across her bosom focusing on the Tv.

''Adetoun,you're going to give me an headache soon.''Hannah complained.

The brass knocker sounded and Hannah answered the door,letting an excited Jane in.
''Hey sis welcome.''Hannah said,closing the door and getting Jane's bag from her.''Where's your car?''

''At the mechanic,he'll bring it over when he's done.''

''How are you girls?''she asked sitting down tired.

''I'm fine,but i can't answer for Adetoun.''Hannah said giving Toun a look that screamed .

Jane got up to seat by Toun,''Hi sis.''


''Whats wrong with you?''

''I have an headache.''

''What a lie.''Hannah shouted,''She has been crying since last night,on the pretext that something bad had happened to you'' she paused.

''But,in all honesty,i don't believe her.''

''Easy girl.''Jane threw Hannah a look that shut her up.''Toun,i am fine okay,nothing happened to me.''she spoke in a softer tune.

''I'm so glad you're back.''Toun smiled,she had to be cheerful if she didn't want them suspecting her,at least Jane was home,fine.

''I never knew you cared so much.''Jane whispered.

''I do,now i feel better.''Toun embraced Jane letting out a hush of air from her lungs,with a plastic smile stuck on her face.''And i'm sorry for being so childish Hannah.''

''Its alright,as long as you stop crying.''She smiled too,she had meant no harm.

''You made me miss three lectures today.''Hannah made a face.

''I'm so sorry,first thing tomorrow morning,you'll be on your way to school dearies.''Jane stood up to get her bag from Hannah,searching frantically for something,''Yes'' she screamed laughing sarcastically.

''Sis,are you okay?''Hannah asked.

Jane held up a bunch of keys,smiling excitedly as she paraded the sitting room.
''Any lucky guesser?''

''A new car?''Toun asked.

''Cars don't have so much keys.''Hannah said.''You know what just tell us what it is.''she looked anxious too.

''Aww,as at last night''she drawled.''I got a new job.''



''Well,its not what you guys think.''Jane winked.

''So tell us what we're not thinking.''

''Chill.....i Janet Odenuga Oyindunmade,i am the owner of a fully stocked superstore.''Jane bubbled with laughter.

The two others looked stunned,''Look,i don't understand you,what store are you talking about?''

''Okay,Sweet Jacob,my husband to be,opened a store for me,just me.''

''What?''The two girls screamed,running over to embrace her.

''Congratulations,i'm so so happy for you.''Hannah screamed.

''Awww,Jacob is such a darling,Jane you're damn lucky.''Toun shouted excited.
''Well,he told me that last night,so this morning we went over to do some inspections.''Jane explained.
''Its a very big store,there are wear's for children and adult,of both sex,shoes,bags,belts,there's a provision store,there's a lingerie store,baby store,and whatever it is you're looking for all in one complex.''Jane explained in a rush of excitement.


''Oh sis,mother needs to hear this.''

''Wait,the most important part is,i get to employ who works for me,and i Janet will be the one to sign their payslip,you don't get it girls,i'm so happy.''

''This calls for celebration.''Hannah jumped up.

''Anywhere,i'll take you guys,just name it.''

''How about dinner at KFC?''Toun asked,in a lighter spirit.

''You have it.''Jane screamed.

''Yes,yes yes.''Hannah said,''Lets get dressed.'

To be continued at 4pm

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