Glancing at the gigantic wallclock, Sasha fidgetted on a couch. What's keeping them this long? She groaned.

Its friday.Tunji had gone with Kemi to the airport to pick up Kenny and Kola. Her dreams were finally coming true. She imagined how she was going to hug Kenny-real tight, then hug Kola,then...

A high-pitched voice interrupted her. Her head jerked back with her ears pricking up,
"What an awful voice." she muttered.

The voice came louder, singing this time.

Irritated, Sasha stamped towards the room Folake occupied, that woman could cause her a damaged ear drum.

A knock.

"Come in."

Folake straightened up as Sasha walked into the room,

"are you the one singing?" Sasha asked, though she knew the question was foolish.

"Yes." Folake frowned, wondering what the girl was up to.

"Wow, you've got such a nice voice." Sasha nodded with deep sarcasm.

"thanks." Folake replied, though she got the sarcastic note.

"You're welcome. But...errm, it would be very nice if you would lower your voice and better if you would stop singing." Sasha made her point clear.

"Natasha..." Folake began, her anger rising.

"Sasha please." Sasha corrected her.

"Whatever!" Folake screamed. When would the girl stop stepping on her toes, what hasn't she done to get the girl out of her way.

"I'm warning you for the last time to stop talking at me that way. I'm old enough to be your mother for crying out loud."

"You're not my mother." Sasha grimaced.

"Get the hell outta my sight!" Folake yelled.

"Look!" She started as Sasha turned to leave the room.
"Its a good thing I'm leaving tomorrow, so please, I'm begging you, don't just spoil my mood okay?"

"Oh" Sasha exclaimed.
"Paris right?" she corked an eyebrow.

Folake fumed, her hands akimbo.

"I wish you safe journey with someone else' husband." Sasha sniggered dodging the pillow Folake threw at her.

"What's going on here?" Kemi asked .

Sasha spunned,

"Kemi, is this how to go about it? Sending your sister to be a nuisance? Later, you'll fake scolding her? the damages you've done to my brother isn't enough?" Folake descended on Kemi.

"She's not faking anything, you're just throwing accusations. Why don't you face me?" Sasha defended her sister.

"What's happening here? What's wrong?" Tunji walked into the room with Kola and Kenny.

" This barren woman you called your wife is what is wrong here" Folake squealed.

"My sister is not barren!" Kenny spoke out, visibly angry. He doesn't care what happened, but no one dares talk to his family anyhow.

"And who are you? Another hungry relation of hers? Well your sister is infertile, she's failed to give my brother a child after so many years." Folake shot back mockery written all over her face.

" Folake that's enough"
"Sasha, Kenny, get out of this room, " Tunji was trying to create peace.

Sasha bit her lower lip, as she watched Kemi sob silently, her anger rose dangerously.

"Aunty Folake! Yes you!" She said as Folake looked at her suprised.

"You said my sister is barren? Well thank God, she better than some old b-itches who can't still get a man to marry them, all they do is go about following peoples husbands to Paris." Tears clouded her eyeballs as she spoke.

"Oh! I see! She's not yet married?" Kenny put in.
"No wonder! I guess she's hating cos she might have lost her womb during those numerous abortions."

"Oh yea!" Sasha gave Kenny a high five.

Tunji threw his hands over his head, he was in a serious trouble.
Kemi walked out of the room still crying, Kola followed her;wiping his own tears too.

Tunji watched her go his heart rending with grief, he turned to his sister who was looking so dumb and horrified, then to the two teenagers standing before him, he felt like crushing them under his feet. He fought the urge to spank them real hard, stamping out of the room, he slammed the door behind him.

"Well.." Sasha found her voice.
"We're sorry if we hurt you, but it's just that we lack manners."

"Yea, this isn't a good way to meet for the first time.
Anyways, my name is Kenny." Kenny added, pulling Sasha out of the room.

The door hardly closed before Folake threw herself on the floor. She wept. Thinking her life over, she let Sasha's voice filter through her mind as she washed her palms with tears.
Blinking rapidly, she counted the ceiling' boxes. Its close to daybreak and she hasn't slept a wink. She tried pulling the covers over her head, but to no avail. The rumbling sound coming from her stomach was enough to give her a sleepless night.
She rolled to the edge of her bed, and remained in that position for a while only for her to jump up when felt something bite her stomach. It was like the hunger was increasing with time, her stomach wall was on fire.

Rubbing her stomach as if to pacify it, she walked to the fridge in her room, it was almost empty except the few bottles of water in it.
Kemi stopped buying Beverages for her since she exhausted them all in a few days.

Her eyes rolled to the wallclock.
"four-fifteen." She muttered.

Nobody ate dinner the night before, due to the incident that occured in Folake's room. Kemi fell ill; after weeping for a long time, her husband rang the doctor and nobody mentioned food.

Pulling her night robe over her, she walked briskly to the kitchen still clutching her belly.
She opened the fridge, freezer, almost all the drawers for any ready-made food, she settled for raw noodles. Balancing on a table, she munched the crunchy raw noodles, drinking ice cold water at intervals.


she jumped, almost choking.

"What are you doing up this early?" Kemi asked walking into the kitchen.

"I..," Sasha observed her sister, she looked pale, though better than what she's looking like the night before.

"You're hungry?" Kemi asked concerned, whilst eyeing the half eaten pack of noodles.

Sasha nodded quickly, drinking some water.

"sorry, I wasn't able to cook dinner yesternight, you guys could have ordered something from the eatery close by..."

"Oh, Aunty Kemi don't worry, I-we are fine." Sasha smiled.

"Fine? By eating raw noodles?" Kemi asked.

"It's okay and filling." Sasha replied.

"Not good for your health." Kemi walked over to the sink.
"Maybe, you should help out in the kitchen since you're awake."

"Okay." Sasha replied stuffing more noodles into her mouth.

"Sasha keep that away." Kemi instructed.

"Okay." Sasha replied pushing the remaing piece into her already filled mouth.

"Which reminds me. Sasha?"


"Could you do me a favour?" Kemi wasn't sure.
"Could you please wake Sister Folake, she has a flight to catch by six"

Sasha groaned.

"C'mon. Do this for you helpless sister, you know I can't face her.." Kemi pleaded.

"Okay.." Sasha walked out of the kitchen a different thought on her mind.

She went halfway to the room Folake occupied,and started prancing about, what was she going to do? she has to stop the journey, atleast for Micheal's sake.

Kemi was whisking some eggs, when she felt an arm around her.
"Baby, I warned you to stay in bed, I could do all this." Tunji nibbled at her earlobe.

"But you kept alot of people hungry yesternight? Mr Chef?" Kemi scoffed wiping her hand on her apron.

"Well, I had to be with you." Tunji defended himself.

"You won't believe my sister was up by four eating raw noodles." Kemi hugged him.

Tunji was about to speak when Sasha walked in.

"Aunt...errm Uncle Teejay good morning."

"Morn'in raw indomie lady." Tunji teased.

"Not my fault." Sasha laughed.
"Aunty, she said she isn't leaving till eight in the morning." She said with a neutral face.

"But I thought..." Kemi started to say.

"Yeeesss! I told her that too, but she said their flight has been rescheduled." Sasha cut her short.

"You mean Folake?" Tunji asked.
Kemi nodded.
"I was expecting such too, The aviation services is really depreciating." He added.

Kemi eyed Sasha, she could'nt trust her.

"Aunty, you can ask her yourself if you don't believe me o." Sasha raised her palms up.

"That isn't necessary. So what are we cooking for breakfast?" Tunji changed the topic.

"You wish, Mr chef!" Kemi replied.

"okay....Step back everybody and watch Me do my recipee." Tunji said in an important tone to their amusement

Sasha laughed too, but deep within her she wished Folake won't wake up till she missed the flight.
Micheal watched his father with keen interest as he pranced up and down, clasping his phone his ears at intervals.

Amaechi could feel his son's eyes boring into his back, he felt really uncomfortable, whatever was keeping Folake from coming.

"Dad?" Micheal's voice startled him.
"Other passengers are already getting on board."

"Oh yes..errm, we're waiting for Folake." Amaechi was trying his best not to stutter.

"Can't we go without her?" Micheal whined.

"She's the sole-mind behind this journey." Amaechi replied.

"Oh, I see..but I thought you said she's your boss' business partner?" Micheal asked.

"Oh yes.."

"Then call your boss and tell him we had to leave without her!" Micheal interrupted impatiently.

"Mike, you won't understand..." his father began.

"Of course I do, so mummy was right after all" Micheal frowned.


"Yea...that you're seeing other women" Micheal eyed him.

"You're not gonna believe those crap your mother told you, are you?" Amaechi almost shrieked.

"I believe her! Dad don't forget I'm an adult, I know everything." the younger man said angrily.

"Mike, that's not true." Amaechi defended himself.

"Well, prove to me that you aint guilty."


"By boarding that plane with me to paris -now" Micheal replied looking deep into his father's eyes.

Amaechi sighed heavily
"Very well then."

"Good, can we join the other passenger now?" Micheal scoffed walking off.

with music blasting from the long-sleeky speakers, the living room was looking far from being organised as all the furnitures were moved to a far end. The trios-Sasha, Kola and Kenny were sweating profusely. Sasha was teaching them some kung fu Moves.

"Kola, do the crane style" she instructed

"Yes Sifu!" Kola held his right hand in the left, folding his palms so that his five fingers met at the middle.

"Good! Kenny, the Praying Mantis, attack Kola."

Kenny swooshed at Kola who dodged, they both engaged in a playful scuffle.

"My oh my!" Sasha laughed
"Is that what I taught you Kola? After dodging, you let the crane pierce at your opponent, Kenny, the praying mantis attacks the neck not the legs."

"'ve been watching kung all your life." Kenny laughed slumping to the floor..

"Watch out for the snake!" she charged at kenny fell by his side, curled up, with her hands bent like a snake about to attack.

"Tiger claw!" Kola roared jumping on her.

They were so engrossed, that they didn't notice Folake's presence.

"Turn the damn music down!" Folake squealed.

Kola rushed to the sound system, fiddling with its buttons.

They all stared at her expectantly.

"Where's Kemi?" she asked looking frustrated.

"Went out! Any problem?" Sasha replied.

"Problem? You have no idea what has happened, She didn't wake me up as agreed, now its past ten, I'm supposed to be in a plane heading to Paris!" Folake was close to tears

"Blame it on me, she asked me to wake you up, and I forgot to." Sasha replied carelessly.

"You have no idea what you've done, you foo.l!" Folake screamed.

"Wow, then we've got lots of fools in this house, cos, I'm yet to see a wise person waking up by Ten, expecting to catch a flight she's already missed." Kenny replied uninvited.

"Oh my God!" Folake half walked-half ran to her room.
Her body trembled as she packed her bags, she's leaving the house before she dies of heartache. Tears blurred her vision as she pulled her bags to the living room.

The front squeaked open, Tunji and Kemi walked in happily.
"Uncle..auntie..." Kola ran to hug them.

"Go get the suya from the car." Tunji patted his neck.

"my God! Sister Folake what's wrong?" Kemi asked letting her bag drop.

"Folake are you alright?" Tunji asked suddenly noticing his sister.

Without a word, Folake attempted to walk past them

"Sister fola.." Kemi tried to hold her, but she pushed her away roughly.

Tunji caught her in time as she staggered towards him.

Folake slammed the door loudly behind her, to the amazement of her brother.

Tunji turned to the trios standing before him, they seem uncomfortable.
Slowly Sasha walked into her room with Kenny following closely.

"Auntie..I didn't do anything o, I'm not among o." Kola explained, as Kemi glared at him, Her body shaking with anger.

Quitely Tunji led his wife towards their bedroom.
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Honour thy father and mother;which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on earth......Ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 to 3..." Sasha read aloud to herself, as she observed her reflection in the mirror. She wished Kenny was there to watch her quote scriptures...
A loud chuckle escaped her throat, no one would believe that. But she has to do that, she've got a presentation to make that morning in her school, her topic was OBEDIENCE...the irony was that she was disobedient.

"You see, God loves obedient kids, He detests the disobedient ones. Act good and gain God's love....never talk back at elderly people, do not argue with people older than you..." She spoke on pretending she has the audience in her room.

Giggling nervously, she picked her books. She've learned well.

"Ekushe-weldone." Kemi clapped.

Sasha frowned."Gumorrin."

"Moorrrin" Kemi replied.
"Wonders shall never end! So Sasha Williams now read The Bible?" Kemi laughed.

Sasha smiled-that was just the beginning, she thought, her teachers reactions would be more.

"I'm to school, aint you going to..."

"Yes, I'm not going to work today." Kemi interrupted her making Sasha stare at her.
"Good news!" Kemi moved closer to her excited.

Sasha corked an eyebrow"Uhum."

"Tunji went to the hospital yesternight....To get my lab report."

"Go on..." Sasha's heart was racing.

"Guess what baby sis....The result shows I'm Pregnant." Kemi laughed.

"Wait..wait..wait...Hold on." Sasha could not believe her ears.

"you mean there's a baby in" she pointed at Kemi's stomach.

Kemi laughed letting Sasha caress her belly.

"Oh my! I'm so happy!" Sasha flung her books away hugging her sister tightly.

"Could you please ease up the hug, you might crush the baby" Tunji complained hands akimbo.

"Ama crush you then." Sasha sprung into his arms.
"Kenny should hear this! They should have stayed longer to hear this news."

"I called them all...everybody's happy." Tunji replied.

"Wow, I'm getting a niece or nephew very soon, I'll soon have a baby to bully." Sasha cranked her fist.

"Ehn! Did I hear you clearly?" Tunji feigned anger.

"You heard me, I'm pinch his or her lips, pull the ears, in short, I reserve the rest." Sasha laughed.

"Hian! Kirikiri might be far, but I think its drawing closer to you, ama get you locked up" Tunji warned her.

"Sasha , time for school." Kemi interrupted them.

"yea" Sasha picked her books.
"Bye," she hugged them.

"Epesians chapter 6 verse 1 Children obey your parents...." she chanted running out of the house- full of joy.

Williams folded his arm round his head in a bid to stop the throbbing, but it was a failed attempt.
"Williams, you're in trouble" he groaned, hitting his desk.

He had sent Kola and Cassandra out during Easter so he could face Barbra and tell her the truth, but he couldn't face her- he could not say anything. How on earth does he expect her to take what' going on? He wished he never did what he did, if he could turn back the hands of time, he would straighten his paths.

"Excuse me sir? Miss Joyce is here to see you." his secretary announced peeping into his office.

He simply nodded, he feared his head would burst open, if he spoke.

"Hello sweetie." Joyce a lady in her mid Thirties walked in, clad in in a gown that covers her protruding abdomen.

"You don't look good..." she observed.

"Joyce why don't you leave me alone!" Williams snapped.

"Leave you alone? Well, have you told your wife about the pregnancy?" Joyce grimaced.

"Joyce keep my family out of this!" Williams glared at her.

"Oh puuleeasse! I didn't beg you to get me preggie did I? You said I should keep baby isn't it? Don't even try bullsh:iting me okay?" She hissed angrily.

"I asked you to keep the baby, cos its against my faith to kill. I can't marry you cos its against my faith too. Joyce, you're asking for too much! I'm a family man with grown up kids and I love my family." Williams replied

"The child I'm carryin isn't your kid ehn? Look! Better tell you wife o! Or I'll go see her myself!" Joyce threatened walking out of his office.

"My God, where are you?" Williams whined.
"Please come to my rescue..." he lifted his palms up.

He cursed the day he met Joyce, at a friend's send off party, he got drunk and Joyce came along...


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