Barbra stole glances at her daughter from below the fashion magazine she was
reading. She wasn't interested in magazine, she just had to read it cos of boredom. Being alone with Sasha at home was an experience she feared, she wondered if the girl was truly her offspring.

"Mum?" sasha's voice rang out.

"Ehn ehn?" Barbra said startled.

"Are alright?" Sasha asked drawing some imaginary images in the air.

"Erm...ermm...i'm fine"

"Okay." she sighed.

Barbra watched Sasha as she made some kind of wriggling movements with her hands, she smiled, nodded, frowned, bit her lips at intervals.
"Gosh! This girl is demonic!" she muttered to her self.

She had tried taking Sasha to a pastor for deliverance, but there wasn't any positive outcome. The man of God asked them to cut her dreadlocks, but the girl refused.

The giggles coming from her daughter increased her fear, she stood up quitely and slipped into her room, she picked her phone to call her husband, he should come home quick.
She changed her mind, because her husband won't leave the golf club for any reason, she decided to visit her younger sister; Ashley-Kenny's mother.

"Sasha?" She said in a quite voice.
"I'm going out." she added not minding the girl's silence.

"To where?"

"To my sister's place." she replied holding her bag closely.

"You wanna leave me all alone?" Sasha asked


"No don't worry, just go!" Sasha said with a frown.


"Go now!" Sasha waved her off.

She watched her mother scramble out of her presence, a mischievous smile playing on her lip. That was gross! Her mother succumbs to her authority.

"Everybody believes I'm possessed!" she laughed

"I love my dreadlocks jor! Everybody believes a dada is fetish!" she tossed her locks.

Time to do expliots, she thought as she ran towards her father's bedroom.

Sasha bit graciously into the chocolate Kenny offered her.
"Chocolicious!" she smacked her lips

"my dad bought it yesterday." Kenny said with pride.

"Hmn, omo daddy!" Sasha sat on a stone.
Kenny sat beside her too, and they both watched other students as the played and loitered around.

"excuse me, the principal wants to see you please." a junior student told Sasha.

"Principal?" Sasha glanced at Kenny.

"Let me follow you." Kenny suggested.

"no don't worry! I can handle him." Sasha dusted her skirt as followed the path that led to the principal's office.

"Sasha williams!" Mr Duru-the principal glared at her.

"sir?" came the timid reply

"Is this the list you gave Miss Chinyere for the items needed in the first aid box?" he asked giving her a piece of paper.

"Yes" a smile played on her lips

"read it out,"

"two packet of contraceptive pills, four packet of con-doms, fifteen injections, a scanning machine, twenty bags of sanitary pads, a bag of tissues, twenty pants and bras...fourteen boxers,fifteen..."

"Shut up! Useless girl, are those the things needed in a first aid box?" Mr Duru interrupted her.

"But sir, those things are important, most expecially the contaceptive pills and con-doms, you know..." she explained in an important tone.

"Sharrap you she-devil!" Mr Duru scowled at her.
"I'm sick and tired of your behaviours, I've lost many teachers due to your devilish acts, I need to teach you some lessons as the health prefect, go and wash those toilets!" he continued.

"Why?" Sasha quipped.

"You'e asking me ehn? Here, take this, you are hereby suspended for three days." he handed a later to her.

"Three days break! Wow! Thanks man!" Sasha joyfully collected the letter as she bounced out of the office to inform Kenny about the 'good news'
Mr williams heart skipped beats as his secretary called to tell him his daughter was there to see him.
What on earth was she doing there? Shouldn't she be in school? He thought.

"Hy popsie!" Sasha bounced into the office.

"What are you doing here?" Williams asked as he hugged her.

"Here!" she placed an envelop on his table before going to raid his fridge.

"Oh my God! Sasha!" he shouted as he read the letter.

"What?" Sasha asked in a relaxed tone as she scooped generous amounts of bournvita into a mug and sipping from a glass of juice.

"You are suspended? What on earth happened?" Williams rose to his feet bewildered.

"I don't wanna talk about it." she said sipping from her mug of choco.

"but Sasha..."

"Dad please! I'm so your driver to take me to an eatery." Sasha said firmly.
Mr williams sighed as he called his driver.

"which eatery are taking me to?" Sasha asked Okon-the driver as they drove out of her father's company.


"No, take me to 'meal n bites'"

"but.." Okon was confused.

"I don't see any reason why I should go to another eatery when my mother owns one" Sasha scratched her locks.

"Let me have the money!" she ordered as they got to the eatery.

"hy momma!" she bumped into her mother at the door.

"Oops you're going out?" she eyed her mothers bag.

"stop looking at me like that! Or...never mind, I'm gonna pay for everything I eat." she brushed past her mother.

Barbra walked on the balls of her feet towards her car, she picked her phone to call her husband, what's going on?

Sasha squeezed into a table at the far end of the eatery, waving at a waiteress,

she gave her order
"one hollandia strawberry flavoured milk-one litre size, two spring rolls, four samosa, that's all."

she sipped from her milk drink slowly, surveying the eatery with her hawk eyes.
A young boy in his early twenties, wearing dreadlocks caught her attention, she rubbed her own locks absent-mindedly. The boy smiled at her, she frowned and bit into her spring rolls.

"Hy? Can I join you?" the boy walked to her table holding his plate of food.

He pulled out a chair without waiting for her reply.
"I'm micheal, and you?"

"Sasha." she shook his hands.

"Your hair, is it natural?" he asked.

"Yep! Like it?" Sasha smiled running her hands through her locks.

"Yea, I never knew girls wear natural Dada." he laughed.

"I do, yours is natural i guess."

"Yea, so what are you doing in a restaurant in school uniform?" he asked.

Sasha smiled, held his eyes for a while, before chuckling, he chuckled too, they seem to understand each, the aura around them is too big for people who just met few minutes ago. Well maybe, it's their Dreadlocks.

"I was suspended for being stubborn."

"Aww! All dadas are stubborn!" Micheal laughed.

"well...and you, do you school or work?"

"I school in the fedral uni, a level two student." he replied munching his food.

And on, their conversation went, till her father called her phone

"I need to go now." she rose to her feet.

"Your number?"

quickly she typed her number into his phone
"I need to go now, my driver is waiting." she waved.

"Okay, I'l call ya!" Micheal waved as he watched her leave.
The girl has a confidential friendly manner, she'll make a good friend- he thought.
Sasha scratched her head furiously, as she watched her father gesticulate as he spoke; family meeting-he called it.
Her mum, kola, even Kenny and his parents were present.

"Sasha, explain how your suspension came to be." Jide-Kenny's father said.

She frowned a bit, this man should just maintain the respect she's giving him.

"There's nothing to explain." Kenny said uninvited.

"Shut up Ken!" Ashley yelled at her son.

"I went to see the principal, you need to listen to the unimaginable things, my own daughter did." Williams said through his teeth.

"I don't know why God gave me this kind of child." Barbra said with regret.

"Don't talk like that now." Ashley consoled her sister.

"Hmn, this is serious!" Kola chirped.

"Abeg park well jor!" Sasha and Kenny chorused.

"The only solution is this, the link between Ken and Sasha should be cut off, atleast no more communications, that should reduce the truancy." Jide suggested.

"Hian! What did you just say? You mean You would separate us?" Kenny squeaked eyeing his father,

"No, keep your cool, he's just making a suggestion." Sasha said quitely.

Williams sighed heavily, this was too big for him to handle. Sasha was an odd number in his even life, he must live with it.

"Kola please get I and Kenny some chilled juice, while we listen to this boring meeting." Sasha said carelessly.

"Gosh! This children are ridiculous!" Ashley laughed.
She isn't bothered by their stubborness, whats wrong there?

"Ridiculous ehn?"Jide eyed her.

"Hello?" Sasha said into her phone

"Hello I can hear you." she walked out of the sitting room, while the rest watched her.

"This girl lack manners." Jide said shaking his head.
The others to gave an affirmative grunt.

Sasha ran to the door as soon as she heard a knock, she's expecting Micheal.

"Hi sister!" Cassandra hugged her.

"Cassie...what..I mean...why did you come home today?" she couldn't hide her disappointment.

"I heard of your suspension,..."

"So you came to give me a sermon?" Sasha smiled.


A knock came again. Cassandra watched her sister run towards the door excited.

"'re welcome, please come in." Sasha held Micheal's hand leading him into the living room.

"Errm, mike, this is my sister cassandra, cassie meet mike-a friend"

"Hy" Micheal shook hands with cassandra.

"Please sit." Sasha gestured to a chair.

"Noo, I need to go now, I've got an appointment to keep, just passed by to say hi." Micheal explained

"hmmm" Sasha gave him a disappointed look.

"Hey, not that face! Promise to come during the weekends." Micheal assured her.

"Promise?" she brightened up.

"Yea.." he smiled, pushing her locks off her face.

"Bye." he told Cassandra who was watching them in keen interest.

"so girlie, who is he?" Cassandra asked after he left.

"A friend." Sasha frowned.

"a lover, i rather say!" Cassandra eyed her.
"But I don't like him"

"Did he ask you to like him before?" Sasha retorted.

"Nope! I think I know his face.."

"yep, he's from your school." Sasha said impatiently.

"that's right! His name is mike right? I know him well" Cassandra added.

"Okay cassie! Thank God you know him, can you keep quite now?" Sasha replied irritated.

"Do you know he belongs to the ?" she asked in gossip fashion.

"Which one is again?" Sasha almost yelled.

"A cult group!" She said grithing her teeth.

"Cassie, come.." Sasha edged closer to her.

"Are you sure you don't have fever? You need some drugs." she felt her sister's forehead.

"Leave me!" Cassandra pushed hands away.

"Cassie, if you're aint sick, then stop telling lies" Sasha said firmly walking into her room.

To be continued at 8pm.

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