
Mr Williams Brown; exhaled slowly as he relaxed into a sofa, he smiled at his wife-
Barbra before turning his attention to his children. His children were his source of joy, what more can a fulfilled man like him ask for?

Kemi-28yrs was married and living in a different state.
Dapo- 25yrs was preparing to go for his NYSC
Cassandra-22yrs was in her first year in the state university.
Sasha-17yrs was in her final year in secondary school.
Kola-14 yrs was in secondary school too.

He smiled absent mindedly, he was a fulfilled man.
"Honey, what are you smiling at?" Barbra queried.

"At your beautiful face" williams said winking at her,

"Dad, mom, can you please lower your voices." Kola quipped his eyes glued to the huge TV.

"Why?" Williams laughed

"this movie is very interesting and...and...your voice is distracting us." cassandra replied with her eyes fixed to the TV too.

"Oh yeah! End of season 1, Kola please slot in the next season." Dapo said excitedly as the movie stopped playing.

"what the name of the movie?" Barbra asked him

"Merlin" Dapo replied in a deep voice to the amusement of his siblings.

"Where's Sasha?" Williams directed the question to no one in particular.

"In the room" Cassandra replied.

"Why? Why isn't she watching the movie with you?" He queried.

The children exchanged glances before chorusing...
"She said she can't watch devilish movies."

"Devilish movies?" he echoed.

"yes dad" Cassandra laughed before adding.
"I wonder which one is devilish between the chinese movies she watches and Merlin."

"that girl is just an..."Dapo cut his remark short when he saw Sasha walking into the livng room.

The room fell silent as everybody fixed their gaze to the Tv. Williams laughed quitely, was it that they were all scared of her or what?

"Hi chacha..."Kola smiled at her.

"hi pukeface" Sasha replied curling up in a sofa

"stop calling me pukeface!" Kola pouted his lips

"stop calling me chacha." she replied shuffling through the pages of a novel.

Dapo made some signs to Kola to keep him shut, they all weren't ready for Sasha's trouble.

Williams watched his daughter as she peered at the novel she was holding, she was just a different specie in the family, no wonder Barbra calls her an 'oddball'. She've got wierd behaviours.
Sometimes he is forced to believe she is possessed, the way she does things; the dreadlocks on her head is even worsening the situation.

She looked up momentarily, their eyes locked for a while, he smiled at her, she didn't smile, she just peered into her novel some more.

"Oh my God....Authur is so funny!" Kola laughed out loud.

"and what's so funny, that you can't keep it to your self? Do you have to cackle this loud?" Sasha queried.

Cassandra pressed pause on the remote control, before turning to face her sister
"He wasn't laughing with your mouth oddball" she snapped.

"You need not remind me -big mouth!" Sasha sat up.

"now that enough! Sasha apologise to Cassie, you should never insult someone older than you." Dapo said authoratively.

"Who made you the judge? You had better pray for your name to be enlisted amongst the next NYSC batch, Mr Cheapskate!" Sasha relied making a face.

"Sasha!" Barbra reprimanded her daughter.

"Oh please mom! Spare that! You all heard Cassie when she called me an Oddball." she rose to her feet.

"Well that's what you are," Cassandra quipped.

"Being an oddball is a talent you would never have! Rubbish!" Sasha shot at her before stamping out of the room.

Barbra rubbed her forehead, she suddenly felt a pang of headache, she groaned softly as she snuggled into a sofa.

Cassandra hissed angrily, what was wrong with her sister anyway? She thought.
Irritated she unpluged the Tv from the socket. Dapo stood up and quitely walked into his room with Kola following suit.

Williams shuddered, the atmosphere was tensed. He wasn't a fulfilled man after all. His family wasn't at peace.
Sasha yawned loudly as she knotted her tie. Monday mornings were always her best, she preferred weekdays to weekends; maybe its because she sits at home doing nothing during weekends.

She applied some olive-oil to her long;jet-black dreadlocks, she stood to examine herself before her mirror. Good to go she thought as she searched her locker for a rubberband, she needed to tie her locks into a ponytail else it'll keep falling to cover her face.

"Morning Sassy-Locks!" Kola bounced into the room, he was dressed for school too.

"thank God you're here, help me tie it into a ponytail." Sasha handed over the band to him

"Beautiful" He laughed
"Mum said you should come to the dinning." he added

"breakfast ready? Wow! Bring my bag along." Sasha said excitedly as she ran out of the room..

Kola watched her leave. His sister can be nice if she choose to be. He wondered why she always turned into a Tigress during weekends.
"She is a mystery." he shook his head meditatively.

"Morning mum, morning dad.." Sasha chirped as she walked into the dinning room.
"Hy cassie, morning brother Dapo." she hugged her brother and sister.

"You seem to be in a good mood, this morning." Barbra said biting into her bread

"yeah! Its monday!" she smiled slipping into a chair beside her father.

"Whats so special about mondays?" Kola asked pulling out a chair.

"my secret!" Sasha smirked.

"let me weren't born on a" Dapo sipped his coffee.

" your food quitely." SaSha pushed a plate of chips towards him.

"holla Kola, lets get going, bye everybody.." Sasha squeaked as she collected her pocket money from her father..

"Sassy-locks! Sassy lockie-lockie! I hail thee!" Kenny sang as his bestfriend/cousin-Sasha walked into the class room

"Kenny noni! I see you jare!" she saluted him.

"How far nah?" she said as she hugged him.

"how are your parents?" Kenny asked as she squeezed into the desk they both shared.

"Fine and you?"

"Fine too, I and Dapo spoke yesternight on phone" Kenny added.

"Okay..." she whispered as she wiped some dust off the desk.

"Good morning class!" A fair lady in NYSC uniform walked into the class.

"Good morning ma!" the whole class chorused.

"This is S.S.3 right?" she asked

"Yes ma!" they chorused again.

" name is Chinyere Akosa" she scribbled her name on the board
"I'll be taking you Biology, now let's start by you telling me your names." she motioned a boy

"My name is Naetochukwu Clement, I'm the time keeper" the boy said.

"Good, next..." Chinyere continued.

On and on the introduction continued till it got to the back seat.
"My name is Kenny Jide, I'm the head boy."


"My name is Sasha Williams, you can call me Sassy-locks. I'm the health prefect". Sasha said with grin.

"Sasha? Wow! I've heard alot about you." Chinyere couldn't hide her suprise.

"Really? Hope you heard the good part" Sasha winked.

Chinyere shuddered a little, she had heard about Sasha's wierd behaviours from other teachers, she just prayed she won't be a victim to Sasha's tactics.

"you know your mock exams are just few weeks away, so we're going to start revising some topics you don't inderstand clearly." Chinyere explained.
"So lets have suggestions..."

"I aunty" were the words that filled the air.
Majority of the class suggested Reproduction as a topic.

"So what don't you understand about reproduction?" she asked.

Sasha cleared her throat, Chinyere's heart missed a beat.
"Personally, I don't understand the sexual reproduction in humans." Sasha said with a smirk.

"Okay, then, lets start from the beginning, that's the asexual reproduction" Chinyere said opening her books.

"No need for that ma." Kenny stood up.
"We all understand all those ones, we even understand sexual reproduction in plants, its just the one in humans that we don't understand." Kenny explained before sitting down.

"Yes" The class chorused in support.

"You see..aunty, what we don't understand is how the thing happens, like how the sperms gets to meet the eggs..." Sasha added.

"Yes ma! And how the sperms came into existence, how are they produced, and how can they get out and meet the eggs." Kenny added further.

Chinyere couldn't help but blush all over.
"Aunty, you are blushing?" Sasha sniggered.

"See you in the next class" Chinyere said as she hurriedly packed her books.

"Aunty, are you running away?" Kenny sneered.

"Aunty come back nah! Aunty come nah!" the class called after her as she left in a hurry.

"No she shouldn't run away, she should come and teach us Biology! Rubbish!" Sasha hissed, amidst the uproar of laughter.

Ever since their set came into the school, no teacher ever taught them in peace, they are known as 'danger zone' with Sasha and Kenny as their Empress and Emperor respectively.

To be continued at 6pm.

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