1. Johnny told Chris he was going to the airport on his way to Abuja.

30 minutes later Johnny was back.

Chris looked at him and asked what happened.

Johnny replied; When I got to that junction I saw a signboard that says;
''AIRPORT LEFT''. Is like the Airport has gone.

2. A beautiful young woman, on an
international flight turns to the priest Johnny
beside her and asked; Father, may I ask a
Johnny the priest said; Of course you may.
What can I do for you?
The woman said; Well, I bought this
expensive electronic hair dryer that is well
over the Customs limits and I’m afraid that
they’ll confiscate it from me. Is there
anyway that you could carry it through
Customs for me? Under your robes
Johnny the priest said; I would love to help
you dear, but
I must warn you. I will not lie.
The woman said; With your honest face,
Father, no one will question you.
When they got to Customs, the young lady
let Johnny the priest go ahead of her.
The Customs Officer asked; Father, do you
have anything to declare?
Johnny said; From the top of my head down
to my waist, I have nothing to declare.
The Officer thought this answer strange, so
he asked; And what do you have to declare
from your waist to the floor?
Johnny said; I have a marvelous little
instrument designed to be used on a
woman, but which is, to date,
unused, and it might probably be use today.
The custom officer thinking the priest was talking about his d**k
Roaring with laughter and rolling on the floor, He said; God
bless you Father, you can go and enjoy yourself.

3. A maths professor's 6 year old son Johnny knocks at the door of his father's study.

"Daddy", he says. "I need help
with a maths problem I couldn't do at school."

"Sure", the father says and
smiles. "Just tell me what's
bothering you."

Johnny then says; Well, it's a really hard problem:
There are four ducks swimming in a pond, when two more ducks come and join them. How many ducks are now swimming in the pond?

The professor stares at his son Johnny with disbelief: "You couldn't do that? All you need to know is that 4 + 2 = 6!"

Johny replies; Do you think I'm silly? Of course, I know that 4 + 2 = 6.
But what does numbers have to do
with ducks are they families!?"
His father fainted.

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