When the tide of the heart changes....Episode 5 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

When the tide of the heart changes....Episode 5

The frosty chilly atmosphere of early morning
swayed, the bluish grey sky with retiring stars
and weak moon perching in the deep bluish
grey sky mat like little torch lights.
The silvery retiring rays of the moon
sluggishly and gracefully casted a silvery
glow on Johnny’s room giving it a blackish
grey dim look.
Johnny just woke up, had a nightmare the
previous night; **He just finished a contract
he won from the ministry of works, went to
the bank to cash his balance of 50million
naira with happiness. On stepping out of the
bank with a portable Versace bag containing
the money with his white teeth glowing in a
beautiful radiant smile of fulfilment. a masked
man just rushed pass him and the bag was
gone, he looked on and saw the man running
down with the bag in hand, he mustered as
many strength as he could and started
chasing him down but his legs was as heavy
as one tired with two heavy cement blocks but
yet he moved on, how could he loose
#50million naira just like that. The whole
scenario suddenly changed, the tarred roads
became muddy and slippery, the houses gave
way to bright green trees as the whistling
wind wrecked through them.
Chills went down his spine as he tilted his
face here and there in utmost fear and
confusion. the hooded man in black turned
and johnny looked deeper at the creature in
front of him with his money, he began to
make out a female figure, that thick structure,
extra large waist and pig-like cheeks, that
plantain-like colour… “What! Bimbo?” johnny
yelled in confusion and panic..
Bimbo let out that nollywood type of witch
sinister laugh. “I warned you” She replied, with
an ear to ear evil grin all over her face.
Johnny was jolted back to consciousness as
he he registered his surrounding into his
the grey shadow littering his room, he
scanned his eyes around as he took in the
protective four walled corners of his room with
black opaque-made shadows “Oh it was just a
dream” he signed as he tilted his head
backward noticing a figure lying peacefully in
bed, Onyinye’s naked body lay there
motionless lost in her utopia of a beautiful
sleep, the glowing moon giving her beautiful
naked figure a radiant silvery shimmer. **Who
wouldn’t sleep peacefully after the wonderful
s#x they had all night** Johnny smiled to
himself as he gave her a kiss on the fore
head, grabbed his watch and checked the
time; it was 5:45am.
He made to go back to sleep but was brought
back by a sudden ring of his phone, he gave a
loud hiss and he reached and grab the phone
from the well polished wooden bed drawer.
The name Alhaji Umaru stared back at him
from the screen of the phone.
“Hiaaa why is Alhaji calling me at this early
Odd hour?” He tensed up as he pressed the
answer button.
“Good morning sir” he intoned on picking the
“Joni..!” Alhjai’s voice rang from the other
side of the phone.
“Sir” Johnny answered.
“Flease joni dontu qoll my numba agen, flease
i dont know me agen, amu suri but u willi nut
understand..flease dont qoll me and dont
qome to my house or my oppise (office)…”
Alhaji ranted and the line went dead.
Johnny’s mouth dropped open as he stared at
the phone in his hand. How could my own
god-father just break up my relationship with
him just like that? Have i done anything
wrong to him? Did i disappoint him in
anyway? Johnny mulled this questions over
and over in his mind trying to figure out what
exactly went wrong.
marks appeared above his fore- head as it
always does when he is worried, he buried his
face down into his palms as numerous hissing
and sighs escaped his vocal cavity.
‘Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh!!! rang the phone again
giving out bright glow. Johnny mopped at his
white iPhone6 plus as if it was an explosive
it was an unsaved number, Johnny picked up
the phone and reluctantly placed it on his ear.
“Hello” he said forcefully letting the word
escape from the base of his throat.
“Is this Mr Williams?” came a broad baritone
voice from the other side of the line.
“Yes this is John Williams”….Johnny replied.
“Ok mr williams, this is minister of works, i
want to inform you that the contract awarded
to you have been pulled off” came the voice
“What? …No.. How can that be sir? wait we
have already started mobilization in order to
start work sir” Johnny replied with a throaty
and shaky voice, even though the weather was
chilly; beads of sweat were running down his
“Look mr williams…**the voice continued**…
this is none of my making, i awarded you this
contract because i trust you and your
company but i am unplugging it, am very
sorry mr williams but my hands are really
tired in this matter, the order came from a
higher place…sorry once again” the line went
dead immediately.
Johnny’s tongue stuck to the walls of his
mouth, his throat felt dry and his eyes wet. he
was feeling cold inside but sweat covered his
…What type of nonsense is this? ….what type
of problem is this? 80million naira contract
just slip through my fingers like that..” his
mind was drawn to his dream but he shoved it
off.. “that’s nonsense, dreams means nothing
and has nothing to do with reality” he assured
His phone gave yet another ring, Johnny
sharply took a quick stern look at it, hands
trembling as he grabbed his phone.. ‘Unknown
number’ displayed on the screen.
“Who is this one again calling me with a
hidden number?”
..”Hello” …He blurted out on picking the call
still trying to sound as normal as possible.
“Hahahahahahaha” came a cracking female
**Who is this one again, the voice sounds
familiar, it definitely must be Mrs Bimbo**
Johnny thought..
“Mr Man i warned you..**the voice went on**
this is just A TIP OF THE ICE-BERG”
To be continue

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