When the tide of the heart changes....Episode 18 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

When the tide of the heart changes....Episode 18

It’s been 6months since Johnny and Yvonne
moved down to the village.
Yvonne whose belly now clearly protruded due
the beautiful life that grew within her, with all
the inconveniences that goes with it.
She now looks paler than normal, tiny bits of
black rashes could be detected on her hands
and a little part of her face as a result of the
constant mosquitoes she had to battle all
night and tiny little insects that looks like tse-
tse flies that perches unknowingly when ever
they see an open flesh.
Her swollen legs looking relatively big, like its
filled with water which Johnny takes the task
of massaging them each night, pregnancy is
both the responsibility of both man and
Her now hand plaited natural hair still shone
like she still uses her foreign shampoos, her
beautiful face still ever radiant and
All the while she still remained a happy
creature, graceful and beautiful as ever even
though her general appearance changed.
Sharp piercing pains that seems to break her
pelvic cavities and spinal column into pieces,
like those bones are being crushed against
rocks, occured almost every two days interval,
each pain seeming new all the time keeps her
and Johnny awake the greater percentage of
the night.
Mama Nnenna ‘The 2nd wife of Johnny’s
uncle’ quite fund of Yvonne have told her that
the pains means it was a boy and he is trying
to play football.
“Hahahahahaha my womb have now become
stamford bridge” Yvonne would joke with an
invasive laugh imbedded in pains.
Mama Nnenna was also responsible for
teaching Yvonne how to live and adapt to the
new life she was introduced to.
Things like Cooking in a firewood stove,
getting firewood, sweeping the compound and
many other things, All seemed alien to Yvonne
the first couple of months of their move to
Johnny made several trips to abuja meeting
business partners and trying to get his
business back on but no help came.
It seemed everybody and everything was
against him, even the ones he helped turned
their backs on him.
He couldn’t call or contact Alhaji Umaru who
already warned him never to contact or visit
His suites were becoming worn out and shoes
a bit old, after 6months of not changing his
ward rope, bears growing invasively over his
Back home, he helped Yvonne with most of
the house chores like washing and cooking.
She had many times argued that she was only
pregnant and not sick so she needed no help
in doing the chores.
Johnny and Yvonne were hurled into a whole
new world, introduced to the other side of
“Baby can you imagine Mr linus changed his
mind just barely 3hours after agreeing to help
me” Johnny relayed to Yvonne after another
disappointing trip to Abuja.
“What? why?” She have blurted out in
“Baby i am beginning to think my mum have
a hand in all this” She added with a long hiss.
Those words echoed into Johnny’s ears like a
resounding gong.
“Could it be that Bimbo master-minded his
He is beginning to see things from another
dimension but its yet still too unclear to be
Yvonne have succeed in dragging him to
church and changed his views about God.
He learnt to trust God in his situation and
rays of hope enveloped him.
“Surely in between two dark clouds their’s a
silver lining” He stressed.
Life as we know it holds nothing constant..
their is always the good and the bad that
keeps everything in balance.
..To Be Continued..

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