When The Tide Of The Heart Changes....Episode 12 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

When The Tide Of The Heart Changes....Episode 12

An alien scare surged through Johnny as he
gazed at the phone in his hand.
A text message displayed boldly on the screen
with the glowing screen casting a silvery ray
on his face.
“So you have found yourself some cheap
w###e to mingle with just barely 2weeks you
dumped me, my eyes are on you and that
b#####d called Yvonne, i know she is in your
house now… You broke my HEART, now get
ready for my WRATH ”
Johnny’s heart trembled as his gazed
transcends beyond the phone and yonder.
“How did this girl know Yvonne is here with
Why cant this girl just leave me alone, why
must Onyinye always disturb my life” Johnny
gave out a loud sigh.
“What is it baby, you look worried” Yvonne
whispered into his ears clasping him in her
arms from behind with her face tilted beside
his face.
The softness of her body on his back and her
hands wrapped around him stopping at his
chest gave him a soothing feeling.
“Its nothing my love” He whispered back
forcing out a weak smile as her lips met his
and it seemed all his mind was cleared.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The sudden ring of her phone jolted Yvonne
back to the conscious world, her gaze turned
to the blackberry passport beside her vibrating
and at the same time Dorrobucci by melvin
crew blaring through the tiny speakers and an
unknown number displaying on the screen.
She was in Johnny’s bed waiting for his return
before she fell involuntarily into this
interrupted nap.
“Yeah…who is this?” She announced on
pressing the answer button.
“Is this Miss Yvonne?” A strong calm baritone
voice announced from the other end of the
“Yes this is Yvonne, who is this?”
“This is Doctor frank from the Opus Dei
Hospital, please do you know one mr John
Yvonne’s heart began to race hard and fast,
blood clustering around her veins and arteries.
“Why is a doctor calling asking if i know
“Is it that he had a car crash on his way to
the office”?
Yvonne’s heart skipped a beat as this
questions surged through her in a little more
than a millisecond.
“Yes i know him, he is my boy friend” She
managed to reply with trembling voice and
sweats running down her face.
“Alright…mr Johnny was shot this afternoon.
Can you ple…….”
“What?….., shot?” Yvonne’s shrieking voice
interrupted the doctor.
“where? who? how? is he ok? where is he? ” a
thousand and one questions escaped her
mouth throwing the doctor into what the
catholics call Magna silencia.
“Calm down madam, he is ok. please can you
please come over to Opus Dei hospital in
” i know where it is” Yvonne blurted out
interrupting the doctor again before he could
say out ‘area ten’ she cut the line dead as she
sprang out of bed dashing straight to the
ward rope to put on something.
“Hassan!!! Open the gate!!!” she yelled at the
hausa man who was the gate man.
before hassan could get both of the gates
open she was already steering her silvery-ash
infinity jeep towards the gate.
“Any flovlem (problem) madam, am i fine?
Hassan who was standing by the gate as the
jeep reflecting the yellowish gold rays of the
sun slowly wheeled by, asked in his heavy
hausa accent, getting only a confused look
from her to manage as a reply.
Yvonne zoomed into the compound of Opus
Dei Hospital with jet speed to the surprise of
the security man at the gate who was busy
dozing off in the name of working.
The car barely halted to stop before she
jumped out rushing into the hospital asking
about Dr frank.
she was directed by a nurse to doctor frank as
she was faced by a young doctor, tall but
would be passed as short compared to johnny,
he was calm and professional.
Dr frank took her to Johnny’s room in the
private ward.
She followed him with trembling fingers and
held breathe as the doctor pushed open the
door of the room with the number 234
engraved into it.
Yvonne was met with a picture of a lifeless
Johnny, his tall frame stretched out in the
hospital bed, a white sheet covering him up to
waist level and this bare chest wrapped in a
white bandage with a little trace of blood.
To be continued.

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