Things You Must Do Before Turning 30 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Things You Must Do Before Turning 30


It is a known fact that turning 30 is a big
milestone and this is usually due to the fact
that maturity sets in and you begin to make

safer, more grown-up decisions. You are
probably starting (or thinking about starting)
a family at this time and this will certainly
change your priorities.

So, before you get to that big milestone age,
here are things you should make sure you do
in your 20’s, while you still have the time and
youthful energy on your side. These list also
helps you prepare for life after 30.

Get a degree: 
Yes, this might be expensive,
but it is certainly necessary. Getting the
required education and degree is best done in
your 20’s before big responsibilities set in and
could distract you.

You will spend years and years of
your life chasing paper and trying to make
more money to fit your lifestyle. But your 20’s
is the best time to do something you really
want without thinking about monetary
compensation. You can help the needy, feed
the hungry or just volunteer with organisations
that are lending a helping hand. Trust us, it
would leave you feeling good.

Work at your dream job: 
No one knows what
the future holds, you might end up stuck in a
job you do not like simply because you have
no choice. But before this happens, give
yourself a chance to find your dream job, even
though this might be an unpaid position.

Have an epic love: 
You hear about that crazy,
dysfunctional, passionate and heated love that
some couples have and a lot of people do not
understand. Give yourself a chance to find
this kind of love at least once in your lifetime.
It might not last, and might not even make
sense to others, but the 20’s is the only time
in your life that you can afford to do this.

Make Love:
Have you been saving yourself for
the right one, then your 20’s is the best time
to enjoy what sex has to offer. Have great
sex, crappy sex, intense sex, boring sex,
whichever. You are only young once.

Have a baby: 
If you are looking to have a big
family, then the best time to begin is in your
20’s. This way, you are young , imaginative
and energetic enough to keep up with the kids
and you have a lot of time to have more

Eat Healthier: 
There are a lot of health issues
that is connected to terrible eating habits. So,
before you turn 30, make sure you begin plans
to eat healthier and have an all-round healthy

Buy Something Expensive: 
Splurge on one
expensive thing that you really love. Be it a
car, handbag, shoes, etc. It should be
something that you are utterly in love with
and would leave you feeling a sense of
achievement for years to come.

Forgive Someone: 
Sometimes, we hold on to
some animosity towards people that did us
wrong, but your 20’s is the time to let go of
this negative feeling so you will be freer to
move on. Pick at least one person in your life
who hurt you, and forgive completely.

Throw a big party: 
Another thing you just have
to do in your 20’s. Throw a huge party and
invite your dearest and closest.

Read/Watch a classic: 
Before you move into
the sophisticated life of your 30’s, do
something sophisticated like reading or
watching a classic. There are a lot of books/
movies (think The Great Gatsby, Wuthering
Heights, Roots) that experiencing them would
give you something smart to add to any

Find a true friend: 
Friends come and go, but
true friends last a lifetime. Instead of
surrounding yourself with the wrong kind of
people, pick one or two that you consider and
believe to be your true friends.

Visit a foreign country:
Visit a country foreign
to what you are used to. Taste their cuisine,
see their sights and enjoy the people, it really
is a beautiful experience.

Move out of your parents house: 
You cannot
truly experience life if you are stuck living
under the rules and laws of your parents.
Move out, get some freedom and be make a
few decisions on your own.

Learn useful skills:
Your 20’s is the time to
learn little skills that will come in useful in
life. Learn to change a tire, fix a light-bulb,
cook, bake, etc.

Stay up all night:
It does not matter what you
choose to do, just pull an all-nighter while
doing something you truly love. By the time
you are in your 30’s you will be way too tired
to do this.

Have a one-night stand:
It is exciting,
exhilarating with just enough risk keep you
going for weeks. There is something freeing
and sexy about having sex with someone you
know you will never see, or be with that way

Fall in love: 
Not the insane kind of love, but
true, mature love. Get into and maintain a true
relationship with someone who cares about
you and respects you.

Get married: 
Big wedding, small wedding, no
wedding at all, whatever you are into, your
20’s is the best time to take the plunge. This
time should be filled with making great
memories and having new beginnings, what
better beginning is there than finding
someone to spend the rest of your life with
and proclaiming your love to the world.

Have a friends-with-benefits: 
Having someone
you hang out with and also enjoy sexy time
with without the both of you being in a
relationship could be a really fun experience.
You get the perks of good sex without the
complications a lot of relationship come with.
It can be very liberating...

So, how many of these have you done?

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