Just like some friends;
They are ur enemies in disguise
U will never suspect them because they are very nice to ur face But deadly behind U.
Some friends are more deadlier than ur enemies. Becareful who u call ur friends for not all that glitter is GOLD!
Some people love me, some like me yet some hate me.....
I dont pretend to be someone am not thats why i am me.....
YOU can love or hate me, I WON'T CHANGE.....
If i love you, i do so with all my heart, so please dont betray me.....I make no apologies for the way i am...
My strength did not come from lifting weights, my strength comes from lifting myself when i was knocked down.
A woman that rejects a man of vision and follows a man with television, Will one day watch the man of vision on her
husband's television".
Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to make us or break us, choice is ours whether we
become victim or victorious.
Always have a unique character like salt, its PRESENCE is not felt but its ABSENCE makes all things "TASTELESS".
He who cries and feels depressed after failing WASSCE for the tenth time has obviously not heard about - Ciroma
Chukwuma Adekunle, Since1914.
People say that slaves were taken from Africa, not true. People were taken from
Africa & were made into slave...
Love your haters. They're ur biggest fans.
If somebody is talking about you, don't giv it energy, It’s a distraction. Instead of getting upset, remember they don’t
talk about ordinary people, they talk about exceptional people, that's why when you are at the top, u become a topic
Never make urself too available to some certain people! Use absence to increase respect, Scarcity gives Value to
Never allow negative people to steal ur joy. Because regardless of how he or she feels about you. God didn't make no
mistakes when he created u. So smile, Hold your head up, & Show the world how blessed and prosperous you are.
Sometimes the person you’d take a bullet for ends up being the one behind the gun, so becareful who you give your
It’s so easy to believe someone when they TELL you exactly what you want to hear. But when a person SHOWS you who they really are, believe them the
first time.
Some people are only nice for their own convenience – the type of people who
only call when they need something or come around when it’s beneficial to them.
Not everyone has your best interests at heart. But sometimes you have to be
tricked and mislead by the wrong lovers and friends once or twice in your life in order to find and appreciate your soul
mate and real friends when they arrive.
If you love someone...TELL THE PERSON...because if u do not, the moment will just pass you by....likewise if u love someone and the person doesn't love u back, don't kill urself over them...just let them go.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can
learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right.
You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so
better things can fall together.
Before you judge someone, walk in their shoes, get to know them. Before you write someone off, listen to their story.
There’s usually a good reason people are the way they are.
Sometimes you have to be your own HERO because sometimes the people you can't live without can live without you.
The most painful goodbye is when your ears haven't heard it, yet your heart always feel it.
To all fake friends and enemies of Progress!
-"If I had eight hours to cut down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my axe."
Two idiots don't make a genius..
If u cannot be a mountain, be a hill, if u cannot be an ocean, be a river, but remember this, be the best of whatever u are.
Man is great not because he never fails, but because of so many times he rises after so many falls.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
There are two ways of being rich: One is to have all you want, the other is to be satisfied with what you have.
I am wise; because I have been foolish. I can laugh; because I have known sadness.
The fall of a man is not d end of his life but also the stumbling of a man is d beginning of his fall.
If you are knock down,, don't allow
yourself to be knock-out.
Every thing has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
Whenever d devil reminds u of your past, remind him of his future
Your GOOD DEEDS, will save you in d times of trouble/difficulties, So no matter where you find yourself, always Be kind to Someone!!!
When someone offends you and apologizes, please try to forgive and forget....that what makes a gentleman.
I have learnt a lot lessons in life.