My Wonderful Adventure...Episode 5 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

My Wonderful Adventure...Episode 5

It was time for them to leave the underwater
world, they were
lead upwards by hefty mermen who helped
them swim to the
river bank and quickly swarm back to their
underwater world,
finally they were free from the water world,
TJ had seen the
mermaid tell John something in his ear, he
wondered what she
might have told him, maybe, she was asking
for his bb pin or his
twitter handle, TJ chuckled as he thought,
looked at Joy,
she was dripping with water as her Corper
vest stuck to her skin,
he could now see her s*xy** and lovely body,
she saw him looking
and smiled at him, John looked back at the
river which was now
calm, if there was a world record for longest
time spent by a
human being underwater without air, they had
now broken it, he
looked at his watch which he could not see
clearly, whatever the
time was, the day was far spent as it was
already evening, they
continued their journey with great precaution
as they could not
afford another negative surprise that day,
they found an orange
tree in their path and plucked some oranges to
cure their hunger,
John watched as TJ devoured an orange, he
just hoped there
was no orange kingdom to arrest them again,
they finally decided
to spend their night under the orange tree,
they would wake up in
turns to keep watch of the others, as John lay
down to sleep he
looked at the bright side of their Journey, he
had gotten a clean
hair cut and shave from his kidnappers and he
had received a
very valuable jewel from the mermaid, he had
also won his first
major case in court, he was also closer to that
girl he loved, a
cool breeze blew as John fell into a deep
Shh! no noise They awoke to the sound of
birds chirping in
the forest, the sun
was about setting, Tomiwa, the other male
Corper had slept off
while keeping watch over them, he forgot to
wake John up to keep watch, John stood up
and looked around,
his back ached
from sleeping on the ground, he looked at Joy,
he was glad she
had survived all what they had gone through,
he somehow felt responsible for her safety,
Becky the other
female Corper was
crying and lamenting that they would not get
out of the forest,
Joy moved closer to her and comforted her
telling her all was going to be all right, John
knew she was right,
they didn’t know
which direction they were going, but he knew
that once there is
life, there is hopethey went in search of what
to eat, luckily for them they found a pawpaw
tree with ripe
fruits, they shook the
tree until two pawpaws fell, that was their
breakfast, they needed
water so they set back to the river they had
just come from, but they were careful not to
go to close to it, as
they drank and
washed their hands, legs and face, it was the
first time any of the
had voluntarily drank water from a river , did
they have a choice? Now which way will they
head? John called their
attention so
that they can decide, Tomiwa studied
geography, so using the
position of the sun he got their bearing and
suggested they head west, what did they
know? They rarely knew
anything about
geography, they set off on their journey, John
was the one Who
was in front, they had walked for two hours
when they got to a wider road that was not
tarred, they were
glad because it meant
they were closer to civilization, they navigated
the road for 10
minutes when they suddenly heard a voice
saying stop there
leh the comment flow
To be continue

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