5 Features On Your Body That Makes You Instantly Attractive
We all know how a person's personality creates chemistry between people who meet for the first time. But there are other physical attributes that makes you instantly drawn to a person you like.
lady 360ng lists the top 5 physical features that instantly makes you more attractive to the opposite sex:
1. Smile: Very possibly the most universally mentioned feature people consider the most important when it comes to physical attraction, a great smile was the only feature cited as "very important" by the majority of people polled in a survey completed by the American Dental Association. These findings are echoed in Match.com's annual Singles in America poll. The online survey of 5,481 unmarried individuals found that most singles judge the person they are on a date with by "the big three." These three traits suitors are sized up with include teeth (the other two, if you're wondering, are grammar and confidence). Suffice it to say, it's important to keep your pearly whites, well, pearly.
2. Eyes: It is said eyes are the windows to the soul, and based on findings by FastLife.com, it's clear that eyes do reveal a lot about people. In the site's poll of more than 1,000 people to determine the biggest physical turn-ons and turn-offs, women and men agreed that "eyes were the most important facial feature in a potential partner." Of the participants who were surveyed, the majority of both men and women found blue to be the most attractive eye color. In regard to eye colors other than blue, the study found that men preferred women who had green eyes over those with brown eyes. Women, however, gave a slight edge to men with brown eyes over those with green eyes.
3. Breasts: This may not come as much of a surprise to you, but men often check out a women's chest before they check out her face. Shocking, we know. In AskMen.com's Great Male Survey, more than 100,000 participants weighed in on everything from the physical features they found most attractive to what cocktail they felt was manliest. The results on the physical front prove what women have known all along: Men love boobs. But, as it turns out, they can be slightly selective when it comes to which ta-tas they find the most desirable. An impressive 46 percent of men surveyed revealed the ideal breast size to be a C-cup (don't worry, ladies... 24 percent of men said size doesn't matter). Interestingly enough, the sister Great Female Survey on Cosmo.com showed that while 44 percent of women wouldn't change their breast size, 35 percent would love to be a C-cup.
4. Stomach: If you've been doing crunches like crazy in hot pursuit of the elusive six-pack abs, take comfort knowing that your efforts aren't in vain. When FastLife.com polled over 1,000 men and women about the physical traits they find most attractive in the opposite sex, the stomach ranked very high for both. Actually, it ranked as high as it could for women — a man's stomach was deemed the most attractive non-facial feature for women, receiving an average score of 3.17 on a five-point scale of importance. Ladies, don't toss out your exercise ball just yet. While a woman's derriere actually came in first for men on the list of non-facial features they find most attractive, it was followed closely by the stomach.
5. Hair: So there's actually something to the cliched dating techniques of hair-tossing and running your hands through your hair. Who knew? When the PlentyOfFish Research team compiled data from over 81,000 user profiles and nearly two million messages among those in the 25 to 35 age group, they found that the color of a man's hair has a definite impact on whether or not he'll get a message from females. According to the research, men who have brown hair receive 20 percent more messages than men who have any other hair color, with the second most popular hair color being blond. As it turns out, not having any hair can work in a man's favor as well — baldies receive the third most messages.