Total Love........Episode 60 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Total Love........Episode 60


The D.P.O insisted on the fact that he
won’t release the princess and her friends
to the King, no matter what he insists

‘The Princess and her friends must have
been the ones that killed the girl, Deola,
upon trying to kill Darasimi.’ The officer
“My daughter isn’t a hired killer! I’m the
King of this Kingdom and I have the
authority over everyone!” He exclaimed.
‘That was what you said the other day
sir. Now, we’ve not concluded our
investigations. One of the princess’
friends has gone with my guys to get the
killers here, from there we’ll know what
to do.’ He replied.
“Its the king that’s before you!” He
The officer laughed out. “This is not the
issue of being the King. Being the King
doesn’t mean a princess should be doing
things anyhow.” He replied.
The King couldn’t talk and was quiet, he
didn’t know if he should stand up or
remain seated. As a king, that will be his
second time that his daughter will be
arrested. He kept staring at the D.P.O’s
face continually.
‘I’m sorry your highness, its just a matter
of getting a good lawyer that can save
you from this.’ The D.P.O concluded.
The King walked out of the police station
and saw Daniel seated by the bar. “What
are you doing here?” He asked
‘Em.. I came..’ He stammered.
“Because of my daughter right?” The king
asked smiling to him. ‘I guess he now
loves her.’ He thought in him and walked
out. Daniel rushed after him, ‘what did
the D.P.O say about it?’ He quickly
‘He said he’s not going to release her.
There are strong evidences backing her
case up. But why must she do this?’ The
King asked frowning.
“So he hasn’t known I’m the one..” Daniel
thought in him.
The King entered into his car and off he
was driven to the palace. He got to the
palace and met Winnie, the Doctor and
the Philosopher around. Tony was in the
car parked behind the palace. The King
was in real anger as he entered into the
palace and met visitors waiting for him.
‘I won’t be able to talk to you now.’ He
addressed and walked in instantly.
The Queen was still in the police station.
She sat there thinking “a royal majesty in
a police cell. Had I known, I should have
eliminated this Darasimi right from time.”
She continued thinking of different
The D.P.O came out looking blamed and
faced the sergeants. “Release them all.”
He uttered.
‘Release?’ One of them asked staring at
‘Yes, order from above said we should
release them.’ He uttered.
‘Urgh…’ The sergeant understood
immediately, order from the
commissioner of police. He shook his
The princess and her friends were
released with immediate effect.
Winnie and others left the palace
immediately after the King neglected
them to the car. They explained
everything to Tony, and thought of going
back. Tony refused to return. “Is the
Queen there?” He asked.
‘No..’ They replied.
“I must see them and let them know the
kind of woman that the Queen is.” He
‘Do you think you’ll be save there?’
Winnie asked looking at him.
“Absolutely nothing will happen.” He
He got down and walked into the palace
and was allowed in. The King had already
gotten the call that his daughter and her
friends had been released then, he came
downstairs to refresh himself and get his
anger off him.
Tony walked into the palace and looked
around. “This place has really changed.”
He thought to himself. The Queen’s car
started hooting outside, he entered into
the living room and saw the King seated
on his throne, the glass cup with him
dropped immediately.
He still recognized him, Tony walked
more closer to him smiling. “Its me
Raymond, you don’t need to fear.” He
uttered as he walked closer, the King
stood up and terribly afraid, he began to
move backwardly as Tony moved closer.
“To….. Tony..” The King stammered out.
‘I’m alive, Ray.’ He replied and continued
walking closer.
The Queen walked into the living room
smiling that she eventually got her
daughter and her friends out of their
problem. She was smiling in as she saw
the King afar and a man moving closer
to him.

To be continued


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