Darasimi was parading the room, looking so angry. She wasn’t pleased with her mother’s speeches with her.
She took her seat and brought out the
laptop to browse a little then sleep off.
She was doing this until Funke entered
into the room. She sat beside her & laid
her left palm on her shoulder, also
watching what Darasimi was operating
on the laptop. She was cold to start
talking with her, she stammered & started
her discussion with her.
“Darasimi, are you vexed with me?” She
asked slowly.
‘Mum, just free me. You’ve not answered
me, so why have you now chosen to
disturb me now?’ Darasimi uttered &
squarely- faced the laptop.
“Me? See my dear, you can’t understand
for now only. Just give me some weeks,
you’ll soon get.” She uttered humbly.
‘Alright, mum I’ve gotten you.’ She turned
sideway and smiled.
“You are a relief now!” Funke exclaimed.
Darasimi smiled.
Daniel entered into the palace without
responding the princess’ question…
]-26- continued. …..
Daniel was carrying his brown envelope
containing his results. He prostrated
before the king, smiling at him.
‘I’m back, father.’ he uttered smiling.
‘Just take your stand, you ate my son,
you don’t need to be doing all this. ‘ He
was smiled back.
Daniel smiled, stood up and walked
towards the king to show him his result.
He stretched his brown envelope forward
to 4he king and was smiling.
“There is no cause to check your results, I
trust you so vety mucn, isn’t it you my
boy?’ He smiled collecting the envelope
from him.
‘Thanks father. ‘ He bowed still amused.
“I’ve been longing for your arrival, just go
and pick the mouth something and start
blowing it for me.” He smiled to him
cuddling him.
Daniel smiled, walking in to get the
mouth organ.
Princess felt cold after the departure of
Daniel from her without responding her
question. Rachel was happy within her
that Daniel neglected the princess’
question. She walked up to her looking
sad, within her, she was happy. “My
princess, hope there’s no problem? She
asked steering at her little sad face.
‘Nothing. ‘ She responded, smiling as if
nothing went wrong.
“Greatest liar! ” Rachel thought within
her, also smiling back like a good friend.
To be continued