Jokes......Jesus Break Record | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Jokes......Jesus Break Record

Humor:The laws that Jesus broke.
In the Bible, Jesus broke some laws.

* He first broke the law of
biology by coming to this world through a virgin.
If you ask a doctor they
will tell you it is impossible.
* He broke the law of
chemistry by turning water to wine.
* He broke the law of
physics , by walking on sea.
* He broke the law of
economics, he fed 5,000 people with just 5 loafs and 2 fishes.
* He broke the law of
government, he ruled without any election conducted.
* He also disagreed to
mathematics which says 1+1+1 = 3 instead he
said 1+1+1 is equal to 1 ( The Trinity ).
* He broke the law of
nature, he died and came back alive.


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