10 Ways A Guy Would React If A Lady S*x Starve Them.
Some Ladies nowadays has taken pleasure in denying their partner s*x or Say No to S*x in their affair because of reasons known to them and only them, but this reasons won't and is not going well with the male folks, due to the fact that Some girls form virgin, Church girl but will go ahead and give some nicer guys the opportunity to get down with them. Without any further ado, these are some ways guys will react to such No s*x relationship.
1.Spend Less:
Some guys ehn? After their gfs deny them the opportunity to access that box, they tend to decline drastically in their spending spree, lolz because they think you don't worth it after all you are not satisfying them. They think life is a give and take...money for hand back for ground..
2.They Call Names:
Guys after they've been deny s*x or you say No s*x before marriage, they immediately regard the lady as gold digger, Dam, learner harlot and so many names becos they are pained... Their reaction may just be amidst their friends.
3.They become more Temperamental:
Guys ehn you will fear their anger when its comes to No s*x relationship or For now.. That very moment they act silly, stupidly because at that moment he will be angry even at the slightest mistake. Additionally some weed taker? Chai...
4.They get Jealous:
After the No s*x part..Guys become a little insecure, they show jealousy, what do you expect someone you no satisfying, in this stage they believe the lady is seeing someone else, they get tensed up when they see their partner with another guy, some might just track your phones, ur social media account. If I can't have you Nobody should. Lolz
5.They look out to S*x givers/Cheat:
I like guys When they do this (players) they quickly look out for someone that can satisfy them in the area you are not. They look out for a new girl, in most case they won't leave the lady making you feel irrelevant and cheated..who cos am?
6.They Care Less:
In the act of you not giving them sax they so much desire.. They begin to care less about your well being, some won't compliment you, they won't even call on you for parties, if the lady call them they will not return calls or just beep, they will make you feel bad, then you start to notice that something is wrong..Na you cos am!
Some Guys derive pleasure in taking revenge on ladies that deny or s*x starve them, they can go to the extent of cheating on you with you best friends not one, not two. Not because of anything but for you to know they can't be toyed with..Ha guys are wicked oo....
8.They Nag:
S*x starve a guy or Say No s*x until marriage then u will know what nagging really means! They will complain even on your phone not properly charged or your sim not properly inserted..
9.They Lie:
This reaction from guys is rampant.. The very day a girl deny them s*x, then they begin to lie most especially among their friends that they've had s*x with the lady one million times even though they know within them that's its a lie. They won't wana feel like a learner among their peeps now, so they gat to lie....
10. Kindly Add Yours.
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