We Are Able....Episode 9 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

We Are Able....Episode 9


My aunt and my mother are still in the euphoria of the great thing God did for us, even three days after the dream I had. Now I have begun to see that some advantages can be in being disabled. Well, I still don’t fully agree to it anyway. But that woman I see in the dream calling my name, I have never seen her in real
life before. Who can she be? I wonder.

Rachael soon began to pester my mother to return to
my father. She says that divorce is not a good Christian
practice. It seems as if she wants me to ‘hear’ what
they are saying so she talks to my mother in sign
“Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, how many times did I call
“Twice Rachael,” my mummy answers.
“Not twice, three times,” she signals.
“Yes, three times,” my mummy answers.
“You have to return to your husband right now, please.”
“I can’t!” she replies. “John is selfish! All he wants is
other people’s inconveniences to please himself. He
keeps beating me and my daughter up. Before he kills
us we have to stay away from him. Sister, tell us if you
are tired of accomodating us and we will just leave
here for another place.”
“Ahn! Ahn! Why are you talking like this, Hannah? Did I
complain that I am tired? Infact my sister, you have
disappointed me for saying such a thing,” she frowns.
“I am very sorry my sister, it is just that I am confused
about the whole thing,” my mother sobs. A tear rolled
down my left cheek. The worry was too much
conspicuous on her face.
I wish never to return to my father. I don’t know why
Rachael is raising that forgone issue now. Why can’t
she just let us be? At least it is not every woman that
must stay in her husband’s wife. She is an example,
since she has been living alone since her husband’s
I come into thw issue:
“Aunty Rachael, daddy doesn’t want us anymore, don’t
you understand? He used his own hands to throw our
loads out of the house. Even if we beg him, he won’t
agree for us to return,” I say. I wait for her to say
something. Her throat is dancing to the gulp of the
water passing through it. She is drinking water in a
glass cup. Aunty bangs the tumbler against the table
and says, “Rose, it’s not true, your daddy will accept
you, at least you know that it is not possible to chase a
bad child away for a tiger to tear apart. Just humbly go
to him and kneel down before him, then he will take
you back.”
“Okay, okay, we will do that if you will go with us
Rachael,” my mother says.
“That’s not a big deal, Hannah, I will come with you
anytime you are ready. Can we go now?” she says.
I squeeze up my face. The thought of returning to my
father is like returning to earth after making it to
heaven. My world has changed so much within the few
days I am with my aunt. She is the kindest person in the
“Okay, we shall go tomorrow,” my mother promised.
“Accepted by me,” Rachael says.
“Not accepted by me,” I barge in stubbornly. Rachael
smiles and says, “Majority carries the vote. We are
going right there tomorrow.” She comes around me and
kisses my forehead. Then she lowers her right ear to
my chest to feel the thumps of my heart.
“Never worry Rose, all is well. Your father will treat
you well henceforth,” she says, then she folds me up in
her hands.
My mother’s left hand clutched into a fist which she had
rested her chin upon. Her face looked more depressed
than mine. When I look into her face she seems
ageing. I rush to her.
“Mother, don’t think too much, you are ageing rapidly,” I
“Ageing?” she manages to ask in smiles. “I am not
ageing my daughter.”
“Well…if you say so…anyway, I am here to tell you that
all is well, a message from Aunty Rachael.”
“Okay o, jolly little daughter, I have heard you,” says
mother. A knock rocked the door.
“Yes, come in, who is there?” my aunty must have
shouted, going by the movement of her mouth. The
door got opened gently and someone ambled in.
Toyosi!!! It is my stepmother stepping in as if to murder
us. My heart jumped off my body!

To Be Continue

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