We Are Able * ATouching Story*.....Episode 14 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

We Are Able * ATouching Story*.....Episode 14

We got well inside Bode’s room but he
wasn’t there.

Mother adjourned to the toilet to look for
him. It was
“Bode! Bode! Bode!” my mother must
have shouted,
going by the look of her mouth. She was
visibly. Maybe Bode had answered the
call of her
mother, I thought.
“She must have gone bodily to meet her
mother in the
herbalist’s place?” my mother said.
“In this dead night?” I replied. “I don’t
think so.”
“Hmm…hey, I’m afraid Rose. What are we
going to tell
John now?”
“Like how? Did we do anything to him?” I
said and
“Daddy won’t take that from us, I hope
you know him,”
she said.
“Enh, but how is this our concern?” I
replied, bending to
peep under the bed to find him. He
wasn’t there.
“Even Toyosi would do anything to put
us in trouble,”
she said. “She would take us to court and
ask us to
provide her son by all means.”
I threw down the pillow, perhaps he was
underneath it. I opened the wardrobe and
even pulled
out the drawer. We were both acting
nervously as
though we were running mental. How
possibly would
someone fold himself into a wardrobe?
That thought
didn’t strike my head.
My mother even raised the mattress up
and left it out of
order after discovering that Bode wasn’t
under it. The
last place we would go search for him
was my father’s
room. We feared the man so much.
“Bode!” my mother was calling as she
left for the
parlour. She returned to say Bode wasn’t
there. We
have virtually checked the whole flat
except my
father’s room.
“Maybe we should go and check him in
your room,” I
“No,” my mother disagreed at once.
“Your father will
suspect us if we do that.”
“So what’s your suggestion?” I asked.
“Let’s just retreat and return to your
room to continue
our sleep and do as if nothing has
happened. Tomorrow
morning we shall be sorting it out.”
“Alright then,” I said, stepping ahead of
her. I can’t wait
to be on my bed again because I am
tired. But this time
around I would make sure I don’t sleep
with my two
eyes closed to avoid being called in the
dream. I would
rather sleep like a duck, I thought.
“Rose, don’t go yet,” my mother signaled
to me. “Let’s
tidy up the room we’ve scattered.
I rushed to the wardrobe to arrange
Bode’s cloth as
they were earlier, then I found a
I was shocked. I tapped my mother to
call her
attention. She was shocked too when she
saw it.
She shook like a leaf blown by a gentle
breeze. Her
mouth convulsed.
“Who put that there?” she was asking. If
she hadn’t
spoken with sign language I would have
thought that
she wasn’t directing the question to me
but to
someone else. How would I know who put
calabash there? The thing was merely
half-filled with
My mother feared that it would implicate
us if father
should discover it there later, so she
picked it up after
doing sign of the cross over her face and
shoulder so
that she could go and throw it far away.
As she got to
the entrance of Bode’s room, someone
appeared at the
door. It was John!
For minutes I felt the quietness of
disability. Mother
was shedding hot tears, father was
pointing to her face;
Bode was staring under father’s armpit in
horror. My
heart whispered, ‘I am disabled’.
A slap was done to my mother’s cheek. It
must have
reverberated going by the impetus in my
father’s arm.
His biceps was on the high at that point.
The calabash
fell off her grip and got smashed. Father
pinned her to
the wall and Bode came after me too. He
sent a strong
bite to my right side. I couldn’t raise my
arm. I dare not
do that.
When they were done with us after
dealing with us like
thieves, father locked us up in the room. I
was left in
the dark as regard their conversation.
Mother could
have begun the explanation, but our
hands were both
tied with ropes. They had even removed
the bulb in that
room so as to leave us in total darkness.
There was
weeping and gnashing of teeth in the
belly of the dark.
It was hell!

To be continued

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