Total Love....Episode 4 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Total Love....Episode 4

The Queen and the princess rushed back

to the hospital to check on the king and
tell the Doctor that nobody was found.
The driver drove as fast as he could, the
queen rushed down and straight to the
Doctor’s office to tall him about it.
‘Your Royal Highness, you have to get,
its dangerous.’ The doctor worried.
‘But no one is trying to volunteer,
nobody. I wish I can.’ She said sadly.
‘But I can help you ma.’ The doctor said.
‘Yes, any amount, I will pay.’ She said
fastly with loud voice.
‘I can get someone that will donate but
its costly.’ He said.
‘Just tell me the amount of money, I will
pay.’ She said with panic.
‘A million naira?’ He asked.
‘Is that all?’ She paused. ‘I will pay!’ She
‘Okay, just take It easy, please ma!’ He
said with concern.
‘I want to see him.’ She said quickly
‘You can go ma.’ He said.
The doctor smiled when he left. ‘I’m
gonna get manie!’ He said and laughed.
Daniel was looking at the princess where
he was, he stood up and moved near her.
‘What’s happening here please.’ He
inquired softly.
The princess looked at him, she thought
if she should damn him or at least
answer him. ‘The King is ill.’ She said and
faced front.
‘Ill?’ He said and wondered.
‘Yes!’ Princess shouted. He was scared at
her shout and went back to sit down
quietly. Ruth thought in her that it was
wrong of her to do that, she went near he
was sitted and sat with him.
‘I’m sorry please, its not my fault, we
need a donor critically.’ She said soberly.
‘Donor? Kindney?’ He asked.
‘Yes.’ She replied.
‘I guess I can help.’ He said.
‘What!’ She wondered.
To be continued

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