Total Love.....Episode 20 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Total Love.....Episode 20


He was there till evening. The King had been calling his phone number but he didn’t hear, his mind wasn’t there, he later picked it and explained everything to the King who sent ten more guards to

the hospital for him. He also promised to visit them in the hospital in person the
following day.
Not quite long after, the Doctor came
out. “Can I see you in my office?” The
doctor raised his index finger.
Daniel rose immediately. “No Doctor, tell
me whatever it is here now.” He said
right in front of him, sweating and
panting. He was already stained with
blood too.
‘This is an office talk.’ The Doctor
‘Noo! I insist!’ He screamed.
‘This is a hospital please, you are
disturbing other patients.’ One of the
nurses at the reception said and eyed
‘It seems you are crazy, I can destroy
your life for you now!’ He shouted at the
‘Sorry sir, don’t please. Alright I’ll tell you
here.’ The Doctor begged, he was also
afraid of his anger.
‘Alright I’m hearing you.’ He replied.
‘She won’t be able to walk again. Her
spinal cord had been disturbed sir.’ He
said, shivering. He was afraid to tell him,
he didn’t know if telling him that will
cause him death also.
‘She won’t be able to do what?’ Daniel
asked, tears dropped from his eyes, he
sat down on the floor there still on the
same spot weeping.
‘Sorry uncle, I’m sorry about that.’ The
nurse addressed.
‘What of my mum?’ He asked the Doctor,
still weeping.
‘Its Doctor Kenneth that is attending to
her, just let me go and see how far they
are.’ The Doctor said and turned back,
walking to the ward.
One of the guards outside just came in.
He was also looking sad. He stretched
his hands forward to draw him up.
‘Your highness, stop this. You don’t need
tears on your face. Believe in God.’ He
Daniel remembered, he had a flash-back
of the King, hugging his family. He
couldn’t control the out-flow of tears
from his eyes.
The guards the King sent to him arrived
some minutes after. They were eleven,
and guarded the hospital. It was then the
nurse was reasoning that Daniel would
be the guy who’s the talk of the town.
Everyone had been talking about, about
him as the adopted son of the King.
The Doctor came out with Doctor
Kenneth, he was also panicking on
hearing about Daniel’s madness.
‘What of my mum?’ He quickly stood up.
‘She’s fine and responding to treatments.’
The Doctor replied.
‘May I see them?’ He requested
“Sure, come with us.” Doctor Kenneth
moved forward. He followed them to go
and see Beatrice.
Fredrick, Peter, Dammy, Faith, Tade and
Blessing. They were regarded as “6-
cliques” of that university. They were all
from rich homes and parents, they’ve
known one another from their childhood.
Fredrick was the only son of Charles
Family. Mr Olamide Charles who is his
father worked with chevron and in
millions of naira. He loosed his mother
at his childbirth, he hated pride and
loved humility and truthfulness. He had
been told by his father and many of his
father’s friends to attend a starndard
university like Oxford university,
He always refuse different offers and
want to pass through fire, so that he
would be prudent and economical. He’s
the most easy-going of the friends and
had a little interest in ladies. One of the
most brilliant of the guys.

To Be Continue

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