"Damn!" Frank cursed as Bola drove them home.
"Take it easy Frank"
"How could Kelvin have slept with her?"

"Oh! Are you still surprised? Didn't I tell you I once caught them kissing in the hospital?"

"But why is Kelvin doing this? Why can't he stick to his girlfriend?"

"Some men are just cheats in nature, they never get contented with their partners"

"I feel like getting a gun to shoot that guy right now, I feel like going to strangle him"

"No, you won't do that. You won't kill anyone"

"Why shouldn't I kill him? If he could do this, I feel he could also kill me"

"No, don't think of killing anyone. Just leave them alone, let God judge them"

"Damn! And even Amarachi could stoop so low to sleep with her best friend's boyfriend"

"That girl is a LovePeddler, I never trusted her from the first day I set my eyes on her"

"I can't believe this"

"Believe it honey, people would always betray their friends"

"I wonder how Ini would be feeling now. She must be so troubled"

"Yes, I just pity the poor girl"

Frank shrugged and bent his head, looking so frustrated.

"Come on Frank, you don't need to worry about this too much. I'm here for you and I love you so much" she consoled him, rubbing her palm on his lap as she horned at the gate.

After about two minutes of fruitless horning, the gateman, Emmanuel finally opened the gate.

Bola drove in angrily, she came down after parking the car properly and angrily landed a slap on the gateman cheeks.

"Why did I have to horn several times before you came to open the gate?"

"No vex Madam, na poo I go poo"

", is that why you're sweating like this?"

"Walahi Oga, na beans I chop this morning"

"Nonsense" she left him and walked into the house to meet Frank who didn't wait to watch the drama between her and the gateman.

"Would you like to take something cold?"

"Yes, please"

Bola hurried into the kitchen and came back with a cup of cold juice.

"Here's it Frank"

"Thank you" he made an attempt to drink it but stopped as the cup touched his mouth. He dropped the juice and stood up . "I have to be on my way now"

"On your way? I thought you wanted to tell me something important before"

"That would be some other time"

"Okay, but at least. Finish the juice before you leave"

"No, sorry. I don't really like taking fruit juice" he said and walked out of the house.
"Where's Frank? " Kelvin asked as he walked into the house.

"He's not home yet?" Bode replied without looking at Kelvin as he was busy watching a season film. " He said he was going to see Bola"

"Awwww! I'm in a really big mess. I've been trying Ini's number since, she's not picking her calls"

"What mess are you talking about?" He paused the video with the aid of the remote control and turned to Kelvin.

"What's the matter? You look so stressed out" Bode inquired, showing great concern.

"I must see Frank now, I must explain things to him" Kelvin stood up. "Ini must not find out about whatever happened"

"What happened?"

"Don't worry, when I come back" Kelvin replied as he searched for his car key.

"Did you guys fight again?"

"Don't bother till I return" he said and stormed out after taking the key.


"Is anything the matter?" The gentleman sitting beside her in the bus asked again.

"Nothing" she replied, although it was obvious that something was wrong as she couldn't hold back the water dropping uncontrollably from her eyes.

"See, a problem shared is a problem solved" the man continued, "don't keep it to yourself, I can be of help"

"Don't worry, thank you" she said and cleaned her face dry with her handkerchief and rested her head against the glass window.

"Okay, if you say so" ,the man gave up and continued to mind his business.

Ama couldn't stop crying as tears began to drop from her eyes again. She didn't know what to give them at home as the reason for returning after less than a month of working. She wouldn't even be able to hide the truth for a long time before her mum finds out.

She had to pack few of her things and head to her hometown because she couldn't wait to see the look on Ini's face after finding out what happened. Tears dropped more speedily when she remembered that Ini would never believe her again. Nobody would believe that Kelvin had poisoned her drink, she had no witness.

She recalled holding the knife and contemplating suicide before she changed her mind again. Committing suicide, especially in Ini's house would had more to the problems she had caused her already.

She also remembered her Dad, the news of her death could send the man to his grave instantly. She decided to go home and plan on starting an entirely new life to please her parents.

She planned to forget about Ini and everyone she met in Etyle city, including Dennis whose phone calls she had refused to pick since he had been calling after the incident.

Just before getting to the nearest bus stop, she remembered a friend she had during her youth service, Tola. She dialed her friend's phone number immediately.

"Hello Tola, please I'm close to Ikire. Can you describe your place for me?"
Ini walked into the house silently, she was glad to note that Amarachi did not wait for her return before she left the house. Wherever she went now wasn't her business, whatever she does not concern her anymore. She wished she could erase her and Kelvin off mind totally.

She sat in a sober mood, thinking of how today, her birthday which started as one of the most happiest had turned to a day of sorrow. She recalled promising her Dad that she'll remain happy and enjoy her day to the fullest when he called her after Church service and offered to come take her out.

A phone call disrupted her thoughts, it was from an unknown international number. She tried to compose herself before answering the call.


"Hello Ini, its Dennis. How are you doing?"

"Fine" she answered, tears dropped off her eyes again as he made her remember Amarachi.

"Okay, please I've been trying to reach Ama since but to no avail. I don't know if you can put me through to her"

"No, I can't. And please, don't call my phone number again. I don't ever want to have anything to do with Amarachi anymore or anyone related to her. Thank you" she ended the call and burst into tears again.

Another call startled her again, this time it was Sandra whi called her.

"Hello Sandra, where are you?... Can you come over to my house?... I just need someone to talk to... Thank you, I'll send the address."

Ini stood up after sending the address to Sandra and walked into her room ignoring the doorway which was in a mess. She pulled off her trouser jean and put on a short which made her feel more comfortable.

After some minutes of trying to clean up the house which was in a mess, she got a call from Sandra that she was close to the house.

"What happened to you Ini? Your face is swollen, what have you been crying about?" Sandra asked as they walked into the apartment together. "I hope it's not the pictures I sent to you"

"No, it's not the pictures" She answered in tears. "I caught them having sex right in ny house"

"Oh God!" Sandra exclaimed and rushed to console Ini who was already crying again. She embraced Ini and sat her down placing her head on her own chest, gently stroking her hair. She gradually began to feel pity for her.

"Don't cry anymore, no man is worth your tears. Don't let it weigh down a strong woman like you."

Ini raised her head and looked at Sandra's face, Sandra stroke her face and placed her head back on her chest.


Kelvin walked into the house at about six thirty pm, with fresh scars on his face and a bandaged arm. He dropped his car key on the table and headed to his room but was accosted by Bode.

"Hey! Where are you coming from? What happened to you?"

"Just let me pass first we'll talk later" Kelvin replied and tried to pass but was stopped by Bode.

"You have to answer me now. Did you have a fight with someone? I hope it's not Frank"

"Please let me enter my room and sit first, I'll tell you" he pleaded and was allowed to enter his room with Bode following closely.

"Now tell me what happened?" Bode asked just as Kelvin sat on the bed. He folded his arm and rested his head on the wall.

"Frank doesn't want to listen to my explanation, he didn't even allow me talk"

"What explanation ? What happened again and where did you meet him?"

"I met him in his salon, I tried to explain things to him but he wouldn't allow me"

"Explain what? What happened between you too?"

"When I went to Ini's house earlier this afternoon" Kelvin started recalling what happened.

****FLASHBACK ****

* 12:20 noon that day*

Kelvin alighted from the Taxi he boarded right in front of Ini's gate, he decided not to drive there in his car because he didn't want to give Ini any sign that he was around. He planned to appear to her suddenly.

He met the smaller opening of the gate which was usually closed widely opened. He peeped through and saw a man in black shirts and trousers come out of Ini's apartment and walked to the backyard in a dodging manner.

That arouse his suspicion, he walked into the gate with his gift inside the bag in his hand contrary to his plan and tried to see where the man was going. He walked to a point in the backyard and returned after fruitlessly searching for the culprit for few minutes.

He knocked on the door severally when he got to the entrance but no reply. He pushed the door and it opened gently to his surprise, revealing that it wasn't locked before.

He had just taken two steps when he saw Amarachi laying helpless on the floor. He rushed to where she was and placed the gift on the table.

He gently lifted her up and placed her the three seater sofa and confirmed first that she was still breathing.

While contemplating on what to do next, he didn't quickly hear footsteps approaching him. Before he could turn back to look, an handkerchief covered his nose.


"That is all I remember. The next time I opened my eyes, I found myself only in my boxers in the bed with Amarachi laying on me" he narrated. " And there was Frank and Bola at the doorway staring at us"

"Hmmm, so you mean Frank found you and Amarachi in bed?"

"Yes, I was drugged and she was drugged too"

"Hmmm, so someone drugged the both of you and placed you in the bed?" Bode asked, doubts clearly shown in his eyes.

"Yes, don't you believe me?" Kelvin asked in disappointment and shock that Bode doubted him.

"No o, he just be say this your story get k-leg small"

"Haba! You too don't believe me"

"Forget about that now, where's Frank?"

"I left him in his Salon, I tried to explain things to him but he wouldn't listen. I even wanted to ask him if Ini was there with them when they saw us. I really need to see Ini now"

"Hmm... This is ser... "

A loud bang on the door interrupted, startling them. The bang continued as Bode rushed to see who was at the door. Kelvin followed him slowly and in pains.

Bode opened the door and in came three uniformed men.

"Good evening" Bode greeted, "how may I help you please?"

"Are you Mr Kelvin Okafor" One of the men asked, displaying his Id card for Bode to see.

"I am" Kelvin answered from behind.

"You are under arrest for the murder of one Mr Frank in his salon this evening


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