Very early on Saturday morning, Amarachi woke up early and set out for the village, the weekend was her opportunity to visit her family and check how her father was
doing. She and Ini had planned to visit the village together but just that morning, Ini received a call from her father who asked her to come meet him at his house for an important discussion.

The roads were free for the first thirty minutes of the four hours journey. The bus was on a bridge when the traffic congestion began, after fifteen minutes of staying in the hold up. A short man seated on the second seat close to the window side stood up and cleared his throat.

"Ehn, Ehn, Good morning everyone" he began. "My name is Doctor Ken, If you travel along this route very well, you will know me. All around this area, people come to meet me to solve their medical problems and they always go home with a testimony..." After some minutes of hogwash, he brought out some drugs and started to sell them, he got a lot of responses from passengers most especially middle aged women.

After the trader finished selling his drugs and settled down, a loud baritone voice was heard from the back of the bus. "Praise the Lord everybody"

"Hallelujah" the people chorused.

"Amen. I bring to you good news today from our saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. But before I continue with the news today, let us first sing praises to his name" He led the people with some praise and worship songs for some minutes after which he began his sermon.

Amarachi sat quietly listening to everything going on and frequently replying chat messages on her phone.

"You see Jesus Christ loved us that's why he came to the earth to die for us... You don't have to postpone it, what if you die today, what if you just have an accident today" he fired on ignoring the murmuring that his last statement caused. "You see he's the only one that knows tomorrow, he's..."

At that moment, the roads were clear and the cars and buses rushed to make up for the time spent in the hold up, the noise was so much that it drowned the preacher's voice. The bus' driver sped off without much care, even the passengers cared less because they were already tired of the heat generated in the bus.

As they sped close to a roundabout, a bus loaded with tins of milk suddenly appeared from nowhere rushing towards them, the driver quickly tried to make a swift turn away from the lane, but it was too late; there was a collision.


Dennis started up his car engine to warm it up after washing it, he loved to wash his car himself though there were several house helps in the house who could do it. He picked up his hand towel and place it around his neck and walked into the house to take his breakfast, Janet and his Mum were already seated in the dinning room.

"Where have you been? We've been waiting for you"

"Just finished cleaning my car" he said and sat in a chair opposite Janet's. "It looks like Janet always run home at weekends nowadays? Don't you wanna stay in school anymore? Or you came to ask for money again?" He asked jokingly

"School just resumed and we've not started serious work, that's why I'm home. But I don't mind if you give me some money too"

"Naah, you won't get any, you're just lucky your school is not far from home"

"Okay", their mum interrupted, " If you guys aren't hungry, I am. So stop your conversation now. Dennis pray for us let's eat."

Dennis led the prayers and they started eating the meal of sliced bread and tea with egg. After they ate, Mrs Michaels recounted what she faced in returning Nkechi to the village after the girl had gotten angry and flared up because she was tired of being in a forced marriage. The parents had also gotten angry when they heard that her son did not treat their daughter well, Mrs Michaels had to compensate them with a huge sum of money. She reminded Dennis of his promise to bring a wife home very soon.

"It's okay Mum, don't worry she'll come home soon" he he picked up his phone to check his chat messages, he noticed Amarachi hadn't replied the last message he sent two hours ago.

"Hey, where are you now?" He sent another chat message which was delivered immediately but still showed that it was unread.


Saturdays were always busy days at Royal Salon, Frank worked with his other stylists to ensure that all clients were attended to and nobody was kept waiting for too long. Earlier that morning he had placed a board outside the salon advertising vacant posts for hair stylists, male and female ones. The work load was getting too much and he thought of expanding his existing salons first before opening a new one or getting an apartment.

He was applying antiseptics to a customer's hair when Bode walked into his shop.

"How far na Bobo?"

"I dey o" Frank replied, "where are you coming from? Why are you sweating like this? "

"I came to get some computer softwares at that store over there" he replied pointing outside through the window.

"Okay na, it's good you're even here. Work wouldn't be boring with you here"

"I wouldn't stay for long o, you know there are matches today"

"Yeah, we'll go watch them together once I'm free"

"I won't wait if you're still attending to customers o"

"Okay, I've heard" he replied and beckoned to another client, an elderly man who just arrived to come over to his barbing stand.

He was half way cutting the man's hair when two hefty looking guys walked into the salon, he thought they had come for an hair cut but was surprised when he saw his employee pointing towards him.

"Hey, are you Frank? ", one of the men asked as he came closer.

"Yes, what can I do for you" he asked paying them special attention

"Follow us" the other man Commanded.

"Follow you where?"

"Don't question us" one of them replied and held Frank violently by his belt. He dragged him and proceeded to the door.

Bode who had been watching all this while stood up and made attempt to help his Friend but he was sent sprawling on the floor by an heavy blow from the other guy. They dragged Frank out with obstruction from no one else, dumped in at the back seat of a jeep where two other mean looking guys were seated and drove off instantly.
"Don't mishandle the boy too much, you know he is Chief's in-law" , the driver if the abductors jeep said to the two guys seated st the back with Frank.

"Sharp boy" one of those at the back started, pulling Frank's nose, "you know how to score goals well. Tell me how did you entice her? With your barbing skills or handsome face?" The guy mocked .

They got to a huge black gate and only used the horn once before the gate was opened. They drove in and parked at the parking lot. Frank was pulled outside the car and told to tidy up himself before he was taken inside the house to meet the Boss. For a minute, Frank forgot his troubles and looked around the compound in admiration. The building was a gigantic one, one which he estimated the building cost not to be less than a billion naira.

The garden was also neatly kept, there were several shrubs which served as sheds under which people could relax. The only thing he didn't like about the house was the mean looking guys all around. The building was heavily secured.

He was led into the house and made to stand in the living room while his abductors went left him alone in the room. Frank wondered what questions the Boss would ask him and what answers he will give as his eyes met a large portrait of Chief Olatunbosun hanging on the wall.

"Okay, the is here. Well, don't just keep him standing, give him a seat and entertain him before I come" He heard a someone's voice who he guessed was the Chief.


Ini held Amarachi's hand as she sat by her side on the hospital bed. "Thank God it wasn't much, the doctor said you only had a minor cut on your leg"

"Yep,thank God. It's just sad that I won't get to see my parents this week"

"Yeah sad, but don't worry, we'll go there together when you are okay"

" I'm okay, the doctor says I'll be allowed to leave here tomorrow"

"Yes, but you still have to rest"

"No, I'm okay", she replied making a failed effort to sit up but was quickly assisted by Kelvin who was standing by the wall side behind her.
"You see" Ini continued, "you need to regain strength"

Their conversation was interrupted when the door opened, the doctor came in with a nurse.

"Hi" he said to Amarachi, " are you feeling better now?"

"Yes I am, thanks"

"You guys have to excuse us now", he said turning to Ini and Kelvin.

"Okay doc" Ini replied getting up reluctantly "how do we settle the bill?"

"The bill has been settled by a man outside", the doctor replied.

"Who?" Ini and Amarachi asked in unison

"Mr Michaels, he'll be coming in to see her when we finish attending to her"

"Oh, okay"


*At the hospital's reception *

"Dennis Michaels?"

"Yes, I guess you're Ini"

"Yes, I am" she replied extending her hand to him for a handshake, "Nice to meet you, here's my boyfriend, Kelvin" she introduced Kelvin who was standing quitely by her side.

"Oh! Nice to meet you both" Dennis shook hands with Kelvin too, "how's Amarachi now?"

"She's better" she replied and sat down with Kelvin on the long sofa Dennis was also seated, "thanks for your kindness, I heard you settled the bill already"

"Oh! It's nothing. I just want to make sure she's well"

"Thank you"

Ini clutched to Kelvin's arm and laid her head on his chest, the trio sat in silence for some minutes until Ini saw a lady who looked like Bola walk into the reception.

"Bola" she called to confirm. It was her. "What are you doing here"

"Oh!" She exclaimed and rushed to hug Ini.

"I came to see a friend" she lied, "what about you?"

"I came to see my Friend, Amarachi. She had a minor accident so she's here"

"Eeyah, the poor little thing, I'm coming let me see my friend first and then we'll go meet her together"

"Okay then, I'm expecting you"

After about fifteen minutes, Bola was back to te reception, she joined Ini and the others to wait for the doctor, Dennis had already gone to pick something in his car. The doctor showed up few seconds after Bola was seated,

"You can go in to see her now, but remember, don't exceed the visiting hours"

"Okay, thank you doc" Ini replied and got up with the rest.

"No, you come with me first, I need to see you" the doctor said to Ini.

Kelvin led Bola to the ward, and after a few minutes of Bola trying to show faked compassion, she left the ward. On her way out, she met Ini.

"You're going already"

"Yep, I need to attend to some other things now and I also wanted to give her and her boyfriend privacy.

"Hahaha", Ini laughed. "That guy that went inside with you isn't her boyfriend"

"He isn't her boyfriend?"

"Yes, he's mine"

"Oh! That girl Amarachi must be a real LovePeddler then. They were kissing passionately when I went back into the room after forgetting my handkerchief"

"Ehn!" Ini exclaimed in shock

"You go inside and see for yourself. That your friend is a snake"


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