How To Be In A Relationship For Three Years And Above | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

How To Be In A Relationship For Three Years And Above

Disclaimer: if you are allergic to reading long posts, you might want to go back to the previous page at this juncture or simply scroll to the comments section. But I don’t see how you intend to be in a LONG term relationship and be scared of LONG posts I digress wink

I used to be in a lot of those 3-3 days relationships. If I place a small kettle of water on fire, before the water boils, I’ve already received a breakup text. So I intend to share what I have done differently in my present relationship that has made it so durable. As a matter of fact, we are about celebrating our silver jubilee. *straight face

1) Self sacrifice: No one expects you to catch a grenade for your partner. If someone throws a grenade at your girl, scamper for safety and just know her time has come. Her soul will watch over you. By self sacrifice, I mean, be ready to let go of things you consider your partner more important than. Take Annie Idibia for instance; do you think she is happy about the fact that her hubby is polymonogamous Hell no! But she has sacrificed her pride to cupid and trudged on. Now see how lovely her hubby and her look many years after 

2) Do not be a debtor: This point includes but is not limited to monetary debts. By debts I mean being in a relationship with kingsley and on every date, kingsley stays paying the bills. So you’re already showing him that your primary mission in life is to be an ‘oriaku’. This take-take character spreads to care and affection, bedmatics and other parts of a relationship. The person you have been receiving from will eventually run out of said commodity and when that deficiency sets in, your relationship will be set for the rocks. The prevention for this is to give in approximately same measure as thou hast received. Amen??

3) Be ambitious: Set ambitious goals and pursue them. Take it from me, no lady will love to hang around for long with a guy that spends all his time gaming or surfing the net looking for free browsing tweaks. Same goes for girls; no one will like to hang out for long with a person that spends all her time double tapping all the dope pictures on instagram. The other person might not say it, but they have it at the back of their minds. The day your cup will full, they’ll break up with you like “I don’t see this relationship taking us anywhere. I don’t want to sound mean but you lack focus and ambition. Ordinary nursing exam, you have rewritten 4 times now. Honestly I’m tired of this relationship”. Then you will cry and go and commit suicide.

4) Don’t get too comfortable: Ask yourself if you take your partner for granted most times. I think we cherish things we consider valuable. The Holy Bible says ‘let he that standeth take heed lest he fall’. So because she told you those things, girls say after mind blowing sex and now you feel you can do as you like? Please think again. As a young lady, you have thrown away the binoculars you have been using to watch your weight when the relationship was still fresh. Madam please go and pick those binoculars and continue watching.

5) Hoard Occasionally: Guys, hoard the dotting/attention and requests granting! Girls, hoard the punny! Read my lips – for there to be mutual respect, you better hoard whatever your selling point is, so you don’t give the other person room to take you for granted. If you have been “checking up on her” six times a day, better reduce it to one. How can you check up on someone six times bro? That’s gazing. When you call the fifth time, you should say something like “hey I called just to let you know we’re watching you. We are watching round the clock so beware!!”. Sometimes, don’t even check at all, just take a sneak peak and go your way. Thank me later.

6) Achieve: The world loves a winner. Once you’re excellent at something (even if it’s robbery), it is unlikely that anyone would want anything to go wrong between you and them – naturally. When you achieve a lot (or maybe something tangible at least), it’s a lot like insurance; if the other person ever wants to leave, they remember they’re leaving the best and would have to settle for less. Your partner enjoys those songs of praise others in your field of dominion offer you even more than you do. Last bullet = strive for excellence!!

7) Communicate: Last and the least on my list is communication. Least because I think even toddlers know this. If you don’t, then I strongly suggest you are stripped of whatever partners you have acquired. Nevertheless it is very important as well. Personally, I would recommend having your best friend as your partner. The gossiping, sharing of victories and disappointments, jokes cracking and twilight to daylight discussions you both would have if you were each other’s bestie, goes a long way in bonding you both in ways you won’t even believe. Keep it lively. Understand the other person and listen to what they say when they’re not talking.

Is there anyone else in the house celebrating their silver or diamond jubilee? Feel free to share any points I missed

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