'ElEmEnT perfume,this perfume has a striking saint,you could smell it fifty yards away,even though Lucy was not in sight,but she could smell her because of the
perfume,it has this strong effect on people and clothes,Lucy came in rocking a 5inches heel,with a short white dress that has a low neckline,she adorned her neck with a glittering tiny piece of necklace.She looked extremely cute.
'Are u ready Jane' She drawled,turning for Jane to check her out.

'This look...huh....em....great,great,yes great and lovely too' Janet stammered,the back of the dress from her neck to her waist was sheer lace. Strong,stubborn and staring eyes could see through them.

The two ladies stood side by side.Janet said,

'Don't you think this is too much for Lunch' she asked with wide eyes.

'Jane,i love what happened the other time i turned my back,you were stammering,i want every eyes that sees this' pointing at her backside 'i want their speech slurred because of me' she laughed.

'If thats what you want,you're sure going to get it' she laughed too.

'Don't forget who my father is' she said.

'And don't you forget who my boyfriend is too' she said giggling.

'I won't,hmmmm,i like your new car' Janet nodded thanks to her.

'Are we going in my car'She asked.

Lucy led the way,'Thanks,but No to your offer,because we're going in mine' she said pointing at a blue benz parked outside the gate.
Lucy had three beautiful cars to herself.She was a lucky girl,Janet thought.

Finally,the two gorgeous ladies entered the car,with Lucy on the wheels,they set out for FoodCo Restaurant,which was just an hour,twenty minutes drive away,they left home quarter past One.

With the look of things,the outing looked like it would be an interesting one,Janet thought in her heart,using the seat belt,she relaxed,ready to enjoy the drive while Lucy chatted away.
Jacob returned home the next morning,he parked his car in the garage and walked into the house,his mother was in the sitting room watching a movie,just as he entered,she turned to look at him,then quietly return her gaze to the screen.Jacob didn't utter a word,and his mother also kept her peace.He went to his room.

The following day was a Saturday,and he had planned his movement,his secretary had informed him that,he had some messages to attend to and some calls to return.Sharon had handled the ones she could.He used the Gym,took his bath and ate his meal,in the other sitting room.
He sat relaxed on the couch and called their househelp.
'Ruth' he called.

'Yes oga,you called me' she answered.

Jacob turned to look at her,she was wearing a long skirt that was slit in the front,and a tight blouse,her bosom were pushed up,Jacob wondered what pushed the bosom,if it was the bra or the blouse,the bosom looked firm and round.
'Oga Jay' Ruth called again,tracing Jacob's eye to her chest,what was he looking at,she wondered but dare not ask.

Jacob realised that he had been staring, 'Sorrry...em,sorry about that,am relaxing here,and i don't want anyone to disturb me,okay?
'Yes sir,but....Oga,what am i to do?' She asked.

'You're to make sure no one comes in here,okay?'

'Yes sir' she walked away wriggling her buttocks,she closed the glass door quietly.
Ruth went back to her room,she sat dejected on her bed,her plan had failed,she had worn the push up bra to make Jacob notice her,the slit on the skirt was also to get his attention,when she caught him starring,she thought her plan had worked,only for him to recover quickly.She hissed and returned to the Kitchen.

Jacob dozed off only to be woken up by the bleeping of his phone,he picked it up,it was Jane,she had asked to have Lunch with him,to which he declined,lieing that he had a meeting to attend to,he was about resuming his nap when Katherine called to remind of their Lunch together.

He stood up,and stretched his legs,he deliberated on what to wear,after an hour he settled for a crisp,stark white shirt on jeans,he decided to look casual,Katherine had not mention that it was an official lunch,so he dressed lightly,his deep set brown eyes illuminated against his white shirt.He looked handsome.

He drove to Foodco,he arrived just in time to see Katherine going him.Jacob watched Kat walk to a table at the far end of the big room,it looked liked she had called earlier to request for a table.As she walked,eyes turned to admire the beautiful lady,some that were bold enough smiled,Kat swayed her hips,whether it was deliberate or not,was what he couldn't answer.

Jacob got to the table,as she sat down,he pulled the other chair facing her and sat comfortably.
'Good afternoon Jacob' She smiled beautifully exposing white set of teeths,her lipstick glistered red.

'Goodafternoon Katherine' he said smiling,he had made up his mind to be very polite and sharp with her,but here he was smiling stupidly.
Katherine beckoned to a waiter,who took their orders and left.As she spoke with the waiter,he stared,all he could see was a tofee-toned body draped in an oversized fringe shawl.The soft iridescent material in shimmering bronze tones slipped off her shoulder revealing more bare skin and the lush swell of her bosoms.

A hot ball of healthy lust rolled through Jacob,few men would probably be immune to such an obvious temptation.

She smiled warmly to the waiter,he soon returned with a bottle of white wine,their mushroom,vegetable salad and apppetizer.She waved him off.
They ate their meal quietly,they were almost through with meal when Jacob spoke.Katherine sure had plans he knew.

'Hmm,hmmm' he cleared his throat.

'Katherine,you wanted to see me!' he asked placing his fork down.

'Foodco serves good meal,this is tasty' she said pointing at her chicken 'Thats why i brought you here.

Jacob knew she was avoiding his question. 'Kat,i do not have all day,why did you ask to see me?' he said.

Katherine continued chewing the food in her mouth,when she was done,she answered.
'Jay dear,lets enjoy this sumptous meal,we'll talk after that.' she said,using her fork to pick the salad.

'Well,am done eating', he eyed her pushing his plates aside.
'Jay,calm down,actually,i just came into the country last week,i was holidaying in Las Vegas,you know all work and no play makes Kat a dull girl' she smiled into his face,caressing the shawl on her shoulders revealing the pink swell on her bosom,Jacob swallowed and drank his wine hurriedly to calm his jaunting nerves.He wanted to get up and leave.

Just then two ladies walked in from the side door,he didn't see their face,but their behind spoke volume,heads turned,he glanced around and saw the rapt attention of several men doing the same thing,STARE

The two ladies walked to the other end of the restaurant and......
Janet and Lucy sat at the far end of the expensive restaurant,the ladies knew they were causing some sort of commotion right now,eyes were staring at the gorgeous ladies sitting alone.

They debated on what to eat,Lucy almost tore the menu card in her haste,the waiter soon returned with their lunch,served neatly on their plates,Janet had coleslaw,fruit salad with crunched chicken,while Lucy was eating her Jollof rice with chicken and fruit dressing eagerly.

Lucy ordered for two bottles of expensive red wine,Janet had complained,saying a bottle was enough and that they were not drunkards,but Lucy insisted.

The ladies chatted on and on about various issues ranging from men to cars,food,love and everything Lucy could think of,the girl could talk o,she always had something to say and never ran out of words.

Janet looked around the restaurant,she was careful not to stare,her eyes strolled to the other corner of the eatery,she saw someone who looked like Jacob,because she thought it couldn't be Jacob,he had a meeting to attend to ofcourse,but her mind told her it was him sitting across a cream skinned beautiful lady,they both looked relaxed and were chatting happily like long lost couple,she could see that the lady was flirting with him openly.

She held her breath,shut her eyes,opened them again,the couple were still there,it was not an apparition,she blinked,but it was true,it was Jacob.And he looked so comfortable with his lunch partner.

Her stomach rumbled,her toes curled beneath her feet,she felt sick inside.

Lucy noticed that her demeanor had changed,Janet suddenly looked cold.

'Jane,whats wrong' she asked anxiously.

'I'm fine' she replied curtly.

'You haven't said a word in five minutes.'

'Lucy am fine' she managed a smile.

'You're fine and you're picking at your meal bah!'

'Hey,girlfriend,mo wa okay,am fine'

'If you are fine,then eat,or do you want to order for something else,the bill is on me and am not complaining o' she laughed.

Janet picked her fork and started picking her salad gingerly,She didn't want Lucy to know about it,She couldn't confide in her yet,she didn't trust her that much jare.But how could Jacob do this to her.
To be continued at 5pm.

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