'I wish you two,a beautiful working experience here with us' the managing director said as the secretary ushered them out of the spacious office.

Jane was shown to the marketing department,where she would commence work in earnest while Ajoke was taken to the finance department.Jane was introduced to the marketing manager,an handsome man with broad face and fine features,he looked young but definately married.

She was shown to her small office,she was to work directly with the manager,she settled down to work as the manger Mr Joseph put her through,explaining protocols and work details.

She had remained in her small cubicle during lunch,she noticed eyes rolling in their socket when it was closing hour,as she walked to the parking lot,she was used to all the staring already,she drove home with Ajoke chatting all the way.

After a cool shower,and a late lunch of noodles and boiled egg,the two corpers discussed their first day at work.
'I like my manager' Jane said sipping from a glass of juice.
'I like mine too,although she's too jovial for my liking.'Ajoke said.
'You sure would enjoy working with her since you both are jokers' Jane said smiling.
'I hope so,how about your manager' she asked.
'He's going to be a good boss too,work comes first in his books,with the look of things.' Jane answered.
'The organization is a big one,with so much workers in there'Ajoke said.
Jane wondered what Ajoke would say,if she saw the Smith Corporations,
'I have seen something far bigger than this' Jane said eating.
'I am tired o,I want to take some rest' Ajoke said clearing the plate as she stood.Jane also went into a room for some good sleep too.

It was one month now,work was going on fine,Jacob called as usual,he was always travellling from one place to another.But there had been no itch between the duo.

Jane had just arrived in the office only to find a bunch of flower and a greeting card on her table,she put down the vase and opened the card,there was no name on the card and it was addressed to her in simple sentence of greeting,she kept it under her files and resumed work.

As soon as they got home,she told Ajoke about the card and its unknown sender,Ajoke became alert on the instant,remembering the issue with Dickson.She launched into lectures,advicing her to shun all admirers and be content with Jacob,like a teenager she listened to her friend's advice.Ajoke even told her to roughen the card and dump it into the waste bin.Jane agreed to do just that.

It was surprising to find another card on her table again,this time she tore the card into shreds with the first one and both flowers went into the waste bin,she was satisfied with her action,if the person worked in her departmnt.He'ld surely see how much he was wasting his time.

Ajoke was happy when jane informed her about it,glad that her friend had wisen up.

It was to her astonishment when her boss became grumpy and never satisfied with her work afterwards,

it didn't take much time before Jane knew who are admirer was.Mr Joseph was a bad apple and definitely not living up to the standards of his name.

Joseph as written in the bible was known to have fled the scene of lust and fornication but this one in her office was a shameless one,and to think he is married with two kids.Jane thought.

He'd never opened his mouth to say a word,but his actions and reaction spoke volume.Jane pretended not to see him at all,he was behind the cards and the flowers.
Exactly 6weeks from her stay in the office,she arrived her office to find a dinner invitation of two.

She informed Ajoke who asked her to say yes,Jane was surprised,she accepted the IV,indicating a yes on the card,the next day,time and venue of the dinner was sent to her.

Jane wondered what was brewing in Ajoke's head when she insisted she accept the dinner date,it was obvious she had things in control.

Weekend came fast and Jane and Ajoke both prepared for the date,it was on a sunday.

Ajoke's fiance had come on saturday,he was a goodlooking young man,he'd taken the ladies for a treat before Jane excused herself claiming to have a headache which was not true.

Ajoke had gone on and on about how she enjoyed his prescence and outing.

It was sunday morning in no time,Ajoke had insisted they go to a redeem church close to their house for worship.It was a beautiful worship experience.

Jane could not stop talking about that service,they had a lunch of semovita and egusi soup courtesy of Ajoke,after relaxing and a quick nap.

Ajoke reminded Jane about the date,they wore their white shirt over their khaki and drove to the address on the IV.

After waiting for an hour,it was time to face the secret admirer,Jane looked at Ajoke for help and she told her to relax and that all was well.
The beep of Jane's phone stopped their chat,she was surprised to receive a call,it was her secret admirer telling her to sit on Table5.
Jane and her friend went in sat at the designated table,they'd been lost in their conversation when Jane who was facing the door saw the CEO of the company walking towards to their table,she alerted Ajoke.

'Hello ladies' TojuDaniels said smiling.
'Good Afternoon sir' They stood to their feet.
'You ladies can cut the formalties,this is no office' he said sitting on a seat.'You ladies have a date i guess'
'Yes we're expecting someone'Jane answered nervously,what was the man doing at their table for chrissake.
'I've been wanting to see you' TojuDaniels said.
'I?' the ladies asked at the same time.
'Yes both of you but specially Miss Jane' he said smiling.'What would you ladies like to drink?'
'We're fine sir' Ajoke said.
'Address me as TojuDaniels'
'Sir?' Jane asked surprised
'Or simply Toju'
'Yes.. ...sir' Jane said.

Ajoke was fuming,their boss was going to spoil her plan now,
'Let the man just leave them alone in time.' she thought as she tapped her shoe on the tiled floor.
'I hope i am not intruding on you ladies'
'Yes you are' Ajoke wanted to scream out loud.but Jane was faster.
'No sir,you're not.'
'While you await your guest,lets fill this table with some drinks' Toju beckoned to a waiter who hurried forward and bowed,taking orders from him.This Toju man had money written all over him,from his black tailored suit to his shinning shoe and powdered face.
In a flash the waiter was back with assorted drinks,he placed the drinks on the table with three wine glasses.
'Miss Jane can i speak to you for a moment' he asked.
'Yes sir you can' she said hesistant.
'Thanks,for granting that' he said adjusting his glasses.
'I'ld like to leave now' Ajoke said aloud.
'What?' Jane said.
'I hope i am not sending you away.' toju asked.
'No sir' she swallowed.
'Don't you care for a drink?' he asked her.
'No thanks' she said.
'You are not....' Jane began
'I'll be waiting in the car' Ajoke cut her short,standing up to leave while Toju began to discuss with Jane.
The journey home was a queit one as Jane refused to utter a word.Ajoke tried all she could to make her speak,but it was all futile.
'What did he say to you?' she asked for the tenth time.
Jane was silent.
'I hope you'll say something at least.' Ajoke continued.

Ajoke got down to open the gate,while Jane drove in.After parking the car she stormed inside their apartment.Slamming the door in her room.

It was late in the evening,when she finally came into the sitting,she was wearing a white gown she slumped on a chair.Ajoke heard her open the door and came in too.One thing about her was that she never gave up,she was a persuasive person.
'I don't know what happened in there,but it won't hurt to share' Ajoke pleaded sitting on the opposite seat.
Jane was silent again.
'Pls say something,i had to control the urge to come banging on your door,now that you're out talk to me.'
Ajoke didn't see it coming,as two arm rest landed fiercely on her face.
'That was for putting me through all this' Jane hissed and walked into her bedroom.
Ajoke followed behind her,Jane locked her room as Ajoke banged the door.
'I think i have to call Jacob' she said and stopped banging the door.

Ajoke heard Jane open the door in one click,relieved that she had finally gotten to her,Jane stood menancingly before her,looked her in the eye and spoke.
'I'ld love to see his reaction too,when i tell him my friend set me up with my boss' Jane said in a high pitched voice.

Ajoke was flabbergasted,she didn't see that coming,Jane made to walk away but she pulled her back.Jane turned back and shoved Ajoke away,if Ajoke were
a weak person she would have been sitting on the floor right now,but she stabled herself holding the door handle.
'That was uncalled for' Ajoke said,streaks of anger showed in her voice.
'You can do as you wish' Jane screamed at her.
'You must be out of your mind,yes,stripped of your senses too.' Ajoke shouted back,she hate to get into fight,but Jane wasn't giving her a chance not to.
'I lost my senses when you deceived me,when i fell into your trap.'

Ajoke was lost again,she had no idea what Jane was talking about.
'What are you talking about?' Ajoke asked trying to calm down.

Jane walked away without uttering a word.
For the first time,Jane drove to work alone,she didn't wait for Ajoke to dress up before leaving.
She parked her car and walked in,saying hi to few workers she knew by now.

She climbed the stairs to her office,she was about to go in,when the ever smilling secretary called her in,handing her a white envelop with the company seal,Jane was shocked,what could she have done to be begin a letter,she walked into her office,tore open the letter and began to read.

Of all she dreamed of,this was the last thing on her mind.she read the letter,her eyes blurred,as she slumped on a seat.
Do you notice that young girl?i have been seeing her this past two weeks?' he asked.
'Yes,she sits there every morning,always crying.'his driver repied as they drove to work on a Wednesday morning.
'And even in the evening swhen we return home,i wish could speak with her.' the man said again.
'I don't think thats a good idea sir.' the driver replied.
'Pls turn the car,i want to speak to her.' the man said.
The driver made a turn and drove to the estate gate,where the young lady sat,day in day out.

A young girl sat by the estate gate looking dirty,she had no bowl by her side to indicate that she was a beggar,she had tears on her face and her clothes were stained and dirty,she looked around her and resumed crying.
'Stop the car' the man said,as soon as the driver cut off the engine,he opened the door,getting out of the back seat.
'I still don't think you should do this' the driver continued.
Alas his boss wasn't listening to him as he walked towards the girl.
'Hi' he said smiling.
The girl looked at the man and wiped her tears staring into something he couldn't see.
'Hello o,can you hear me?' he asked again.'Hi....Hi,what is wrong with you? Why are you crying?is anything wrong with you?'
The girl remained silent looking into the unknown.
'I said it,you shouldn't have bothered.' his driver said.
After some minutes,the man and his driver dropped some money by her side and left.
Its been four weeks now,since Adetoun ran away from the hospital,the doctor had informed the police on the instant.yet no discovery was made.
Biyisi had grown lean and sick from worry,she ate little and thought more,her husband comes home late every night,drunk and smelly from vomit.
Adetoun's boyfriend was not left out in this,he called from time to time enquiring about her.He constantly visited the police station but the result was the same.He had grown lean too.
Adekunle was now the father of the house,taking care of his mother,his drunk father and his two siblings,he was everywhere at the same time.
The family had reported the case of their missing daughter,Biyisi called the DPO everyday,and still got the same news,her daughter has dissappeared from the surface of the earth.
Tears became her only consolation,she prayed day and night for her daughter,but it seems the Lord had turned a deaf ear to her.
Adekunle comforted his mother haven realised her mistakes,but how could she ask for forgiveness,when she couldn't find Adetoun.Adekunle was finding it hard to bear his father's prescence for Molesting his step daughter,her sister.
He missed her so much,even Adeola would not stop talking about her,it was indeed a trying time for the family.
The man and his driver would drop the poor girl some food and money each day before going to work,even when the man travelled for business,his driver never failed to drop by.The driver wondered why his boss,who out of his busy schedule find time to say hi,was trying to help a girl who didn't want to be helped.He soon came to like the girl,she no longer smelled or looked dirty,but she refused to speak to her helper.
One day as usual,the man and his driver came on a saturday morning,the man greeted the girl,dropped the food and was about to leave when the girl spoke for the first time in 25days.
'Thank you' she muttered looking away.
The man hurried back,he was surprised.'You can speak?' he asked.
The girl nodded.
'How are you and what is your name?'
'I am fine' she answered.
'I am so happy,you spoke today.' he said full of smiles.
'What is your name?' he asked.
She refused to answer him,the man understood her,and quietly left.
From time to time,the girl spoke to the man but never told him her name,after the man had gained her confidence,he asked if he could take her home,that week she refused to speak,and returned his money and food.

The man apologised,and they became friends again,he was a busy man,at times his driver would come to drop her food and leave.

The man tried again for the second time,this time around she said she wanted to think about it.The man was happy she was acting positive again.
And the third time,he brought it up,she agreed to come and live with him,the man's joy knew no bounds,as she went to an uncompleted buiding to pack her things and go home with her saviour.

The man took her home on this faithful day,she was quiet and the man didn't want her to rescind her decision by talking too much.
He prepared her shower himself,after she had her bath and food.
She sat in the sitting room,staring blankly at the screen of the plasma Tv,when the man came to sit by her.
'How are you?' he asked her calmly.
'I am fine' she answered absent minded.
'Do you need anything?' he asked again.
'I am Jacob Smith,what is your name?' he asked smiling into her eyes.................
The air was cool,and the weather looked good too,sure there was no sign of heavy downpour.The cool weather was in great contrast to Hannah's worried mind,her mind was troubled,she didn't know what to expect from today's party.

She had invited her three roomies and her coursemates in the class,Shade and Molade.She even had the nerve to have invited Pink Shirt too,She wondered if she was inviting them out to witness her shame and show of disgrace.

She had been home all day thinking and planning.When it was one pm,she told her roomies to get dressing,knowing it would take them an eternity to dress up.she pinged Shade and Molade too.Even Shade said it was a must she attend this party,Library things cut off for today,the other girls burst out laughing.
'I am going to have the fun of my head today' Rukayat said pulling on a snake skin leggings.
'I trust you now' Hannah said laughing.
'I'm planning to wow all the guys,you know me now.' she said laughing out loud.
'Just becareful and don't get yourself into trouble there.with all these talks of dressing to kill' Cynthia advised.
'I sure will have fun today o' Shade said not to be left out.
Molade and Shade arrived soon,well dressed and looking cool.They exchanged pleasantries and got talking,the room was now very noisy.
'You guys should do fast with all this paintings on your face o' Hannah shouted so as to be heard.
'Abeg chill o' Rukayat said,other girls burst out laughing.

Rotimi had promised to send one his friends to come and pick them when they were through dressing.
Hannah ensured that everyone had finished dressing and paiting their face before she called Rotimi,who said the chauffeur was on his way.Pink shirt said he would join them at the party.When Hannah wore her gown,all the girls screamed,heaving compliment about her,she looked fabulous but simple in her Jimmy choo heels.
The chauffeur arrived and the girls rushed in like puppies,they soon arrived at the party,the chairs were arranged round a pool,they were not many people in attendance but the gathering was ok for a party.

Hannah was the cynosure of all eyes as she walked in,Tomilola,Rotimi's sister ran to her giving her a warm embrace,the party began in earnest,there were so many beautiful and attractive ladies on seat.she wondered if any of them was her rival.

Her friends were seated round a table with assorted drinks,alcoholic,non alcoholic,peppersoup,snail,chicken chops,and what have you.

She had been so excited when PinK Shirt arrived with a friend of his,she'd hugged him tight,she loved the smell of his body and the dignity with which he carried himself,she got them a table and served them.

The celebrant cut the cake,and the real party began,the celebrant and his female friends danced,Hannah also danced with Pink shirt,soon guys and girls rolled their body to music,wining and grinding in each others arm.

Soon the party came to an end,there was no fight,she got home late and her friends would not stop talking about it.she was so happy that she hadn't fallen into a disgrace.

As everyone slept that night,she thanked God that she was the well recognised galfrnd at the party,the only time she was afraid was when Rotimi was asked to kiss his most lovable female friend,her heart skipped a beat as he walked around the party before he finally picked his sister,Tomilola.

He was happy when she gave him her present,he hugged her and told her she was the most beautiful lady in the world,carrying her up.It was a beautiful day in all and she slept like a baby for the first time in four days.
What she didn't realise was that,she had began to brew a coffee of trouble that she would drink for a long time........
Exam fever was out already amongst student,night class began in earnest,even lazy student began to read hard.Shade would read day in day out,Cynthia also studied hard,Rukayat did the little she could.

Hannah studied like it was the end of the world,she read her books and materials hard,she shunned going out and party for that week.

And in no time,it was 2days to exam,saturday night came,she ironed an Ankara skirt and blouse for sunday service,
'You're going to church tomorrow?' Cynthia exclaimed.
'Yes i am' Hannah said smiling.
'Just because exam starts on Monday,you want to go and bribe God in church tomorrow abi?' Cynthia said.
'Na u sabi o'.

Hannah went to church for the first time in three months,she knelt and prayed for success in her exams.
She prayed when she got home.
Jacob,Bibi and Jane had called to wish her success in her forthcoming examination.

Monday morning came like a dream,Hannah wore her well ironed white shirt over a suit skirt and a flat shoe as she mingled with other students on the way to her exam wall.

She stayed outside with other students and awaited the arrival of supervisors.....
Today's exam would be the worst she would write as she stepped into the exam hall.Only that she didn't know.............................
Jane slumped on a chair,getting a query or a sack letter would have been better than this,Ajoke walked into Jane's office surprised to see her placing her head on the table.
'Hey Jane,whats wrong?' she asked standing by the table.
'And what are you doing here?' she said raising her head to look at Ajoke.
'I only came to drop your phone,you forgot it at home' Ajoke dropped the phone on Jane's table.
'Thanks,but no thanks.'Jane said 'Please leave'
'I will'
Ajoke walked out of her office,she was surprised at Jane's jumpy and crazy attitude,the girl was indeed a bunch of art.She was barely sitted when Jane walked in holding an envelop.
'I realised it would be dumb of me not to show you the result of your action' Ajoke stared at her like a fancy piece of cake.
'You can read this and gloat all you can' with that Jane dropped the letter on Ajoke's table hissed and walked out.

Jane returned to her office and began to pack her things,her mind was filled with so many thoughts,she was to be Mr TojuDaniels personal assistant.Which was a good avenue for the man to launch his 'date me' proposal better.

She was about to leave when the secretary came in,probably for some gossip.
'Congratulations Jane' Shola said,they were both on a first name basis.
'Hmmm Thank you o'Jane answered.
'I am very happy for you o,the PA to the boss!' She continued'Do you know him on a personal basis'
'No' she was not going to run her mouth for her to spread the news around.
'Did i tell you,being the boss PA is my dream position in this company,i have always eyed that position o my dear Jane.' She said sitting on Jane's desk.
'Its ok'Jane said trying to discourage her from prying further.
'Do you even know he has a fiancee?' she asked.
'I don't know about that.'Jane said.
'What if he asks you out?'
'He hasn't and he won't.' Jane smiled at her lie.
'You're lucky sha.'
'Thanks,i have to go now' Jane said.
'You are to report to his office first thing this morning.'

Jane hurried into the elevator,she came out and walked the tiny corridor to her new office,she stood before the door with a tag on which Mr A. TojuDaniels was written bodly.

She knocked with her heart in her mouth,she was scared stiff as a thick male voice answered from within.she pulled the door and it opened,she walked in calculating her steps so as not to end up on the floor.

'Good morning sir' she courtsied before him.
'Good morning Jane' he said drawing the Jane in a cool way.'I already told you to cut the formalties.'
'Yes...sir' she answered without looking up.
'Have your seat' TojuDaniels said wearing a white suit,he looked clean and smelled nice.
Jane sat facing him.
'I asked you to report here first thing,i would like to put you through some things quickly.'Toju said.
'Okay sir'
'We'll both work together in this office,your table is right over there' he said emphasising the both.
'What?' she exclaimed.
Jacob noticed that her countenance had changed,when he asked for her name.
'Tell me your name' he tried again.
'I am Adetoun.' she said quietly
'What a beautiful name you've got.' Jacob smiled.
Adetoun neither smiled nor frown,she maintained a calm expression that was hard to read on her face.
'Where are you from?' he asked.
'No' she replied.
'No? I mean where you were living before i found you at the gate.'
'I am fine' she said.
'I know you're fine,i want to know where you were living.'Jacob persisted.Adetoun sat glued on her seat,she was just staring blankly at the TV screen without seeing a thing.
Jacob looked up in time to see two quick tears escape from her eyes.
He provided a hanky which she refused to collect,Jacob wiped the tears from her eyes.And wondered what brought tears to her face,what could have happened to her? He thought over and over again.

Adetoun had been living under his roof for 7days now,he had employed a female live in househelp so as to have someone keep her company,when no one was around.

Adetoun was such a tidy girl,very neat and helpful around the house,the househelp confided in Jacob one evening.One other thing she noticed was that she refused to talk about her past,her parents or family if she had any.

Jacob tried to come home early to afford him time to chat with her in the evening,she was always happy to receive him each time he began chatting her up.

Jacob called Jane from time to time,it was 2months now since she started her NYSC primary assignment.His sweet innocent jane,once he arrived home Adetoun consumed his thoughts as usual.

On one of those evenings,Jacob sat with Adetoun in the sitting room watching a football match,Adetoun sat beside him,resting her head on his shoulders,while Jacob patted her arms,that was a farmiliar attitude these days.

The commentator said something and Adetoun laughed,Jacob was surprised and happy and it sure looked like an opportunity to get her talking.

He held her hands tight and prepared his question,when his phone began ring.He hissed;>:>

To be continued at 6pm.

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