1. A female ferret will die if she doesn't have sex for a year.

2. Every human being starts out life as an arsehole: it's the first part of the body to form in the womb.

3. For 48 years after tinned food was invented, people who wanted to eat it had to use a hammer and chisel. The can opener wasn't invented until 1858.

4. The screwdriver was invented a hundred years before the screw.It was originally used to extract nails

5. A single sperm contains 37.5 mb of DNA information. One expulsion represents a data transfer of 15,875 gb, equivalent to the combined capacity of 62 MacBook Pro laptops.

6. Venus rotates so slowly on its axis that its day is longer than its year.

7. Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo all mean 'capital' in their respective languages.

8. Linnaeus named the banana Musa paradisiaca because he thought it might have been the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden.

9. The designer of Saddam's bunker was the grandson of the woman who built Hitler's bunker.

10. The road signs of the Austrian village of bleeping are set in concrete to deter thieves.

11. In Japan only 2% of adoptions are of children; 98% are adult males aged 25 to 30.

12. The dialling code for Russia is 007.

13. Heroin was originally marketed as cough medicine.

14. More than 7,000 Americans die each year and 1,500,000 are injured as a result of doctors' bad handwriting.

15. The first advertising jingles were written down in newspapers; readers were expected to sing them themselves.

16. British spies stopped using Fluid as invisible ink because it began to smell if it wasn't fresh.

17. Women buy 80% of everything that is for sale.

18. Italy's biggest business is the Mafia. It turns over $178 billion a year and accounts for 7% of GDP.

19.Digestive biscuits have no particular digestive qualities. In the USA it is illegal to sell them under that name.

20. The first-ever edition of the Daily Mirror came with a free mirror.

21. In ancient Greek the word '' meant anyone who wasn't a politician.

22. The average person who lives to be 75 will have spent six years

23. The second man to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel, Bobby Leach, survived the fall but later died as a result of slipping on a piece of orange peel.

24. An orange is a berry but a strawberry isn't.

25. Vatican City has the highest crime rate in the world. Though the resident population is only just over 800, more than 600 crimes are committed there each year

26. The longest hangover in medical literature lasted four weeks. It belonged to a 37-year-old man
from Glasgow.

27. More than 1 in 20 football injuries are caused by celebrating goals on the pitch.

28. In 1915, Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest in San Francisco. Not only did he not win, he failed even to make the final.

29. Male fruit flies rejected by females drink significantly more alcohol than those that have had a successful encounter.

30. The common shrew protects itself from predators by dying of fright.

31. The Archbishop of Manila from 1974û2003 was called Cardinal Sin.

32. In 1917, John D. Rockefeller could have paid off the whole US public debt on his own. Today, Bill Gates's entire fortune would barely cover two months' interest.

33. The animal rights group PETA claims that cows can suffer humiliation if people laugh at them.

34. Only 2% of women describe themselves as beautiful.

35. The word 'school' comes from the ancient Greek for 'free time'.

36. Sending a man to the Moon and finding Osama Bin Laden cost the US government about the same amount of time and money: ten years and $100 billion.

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